Work Complaint:


JPP Modarater
I know. You guys don't get enough of these threads from me.

i swear, some people are just freakin' ridiculous. There is nothing I hate more than getting alongwinded non-answer to a simple yes or no question.

Me: Will the chargeback updates override the businesses' finalized forecasts.

Dummy: longwinded response about processes I already know about leaving me to make an educated guess as to what the hell the answer is.

Other Guy in meeting: I think what she means is once the businesses have finalized there forecasts will those chargebacks override the forecasts?

Dummy: longwinded response about processes we already know about leaving us to make an educated guess as to what the hell the answer is.

Me: So they won't be overridden?

Dummy: same longwinded response about processes we already know about leaving us to make an educated guess as to what the hell the answer is.

Other Guy in meeting: same question that's been asked 5 times in pointless conference call, just worded a little differently this time

Dummy: won't be, but I'd suggest...blah blah blah...
It but will definitely make the forecast less accurate if they are reoccurring and were not included in the original assumptions.
That is when I use to start eating sugar laden carbs which were always present.
talking about crap at work.. We constantly have food here like every day.. and during holidays its wretched. Worst part is the secretary's desk is right outside my office and her table is where its always left.
talking about crap at work.. We constantly have food here like every day.. and during holidays its wretched. Worst part is the secretary's desk is right outside my office and her table is where its always left.

at one time I was one of those little ladies, home baked them! my boss use to tell me I made him gain 20lbs. I told him I didn't force feed him!
talking about crap at work.. We constantly have food here like every day.. and during holidays its wretched. Worst part is the secretary's desk is right outside my office and her table is where its always left.

darn that is the worst part about working from home.
Or the best part, that way you can stay your slim and trim self! I am starting to find mine again! And it feels great. Steroids are not nice!

I agree it's definitely the best part :). SO much easier to control what you consume and more time to work off the consumptions.
at one time I was one of those little ladies, home baked them! my boss use to tell me I made him gain 20lbs. I told him I didn't force feed him!

I brought anything I was afraid I'd eat at home to work. The men loved it the women hated it.
Ahahahah, they hate it, but they always eat it! that is what use to crack me up!
i hate it to because i eat a fruit cup in the morning and right there is some awesome looking coffee role or Boston cream starring at me like it wants to get into my pants to my stomach.
I always just tease that I will rub them directly on my stomach because that is where it goes now!