Workers are hard to find in the West


Nope, if you lose employment and then do not seek it, it takes 4 weeks to remove you from their counts.

As for the second type of reporting, the polling, homemakers are considered to be 'unemployed'.

Bet your wife would vehemently disagree with this polling!:cof1:
Ahh the law of supply and demand is beginning to work for employees.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — The retirement of thousands of baby boomer teachers coupled with the departure of younger teachers frustrated by the stress of working in low-performing schools is fueling a crisis in teacher turnover that is costing school districts substantial amounts of money as they scramble to fill their ranks for the fall term.

Bruce R. Feeley for The New York Times

Rebecca Rheinheimer, a teacher at Oak Hill Elementary in High Point, N.C., was lured from Indiana by a $2,500 bonus.

Superintendents and recruiters across the nation say the challenge of putting a qualified teacher in every classroom is heightened in subjects like math and science and is a particular struggle in high-poverty schools, where the turnover is highest. Thousands of classes in such schools have opened with substitute teachers in recent years.
I have genuine HS diploma spinner.

Make $75/hr. Imagine what I would have done with a college degree like you have ?
I do not need double. I do not live for money like you.

Umm dad died when I was 16 had to help support family 5 brothers and sisters, was next to oldest. Got drafted, was pretty screwed up for a while after that...etc....

What is your excuse for having a degree and no sense ?
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just cause I have WAY more than you doesn't mean I live for it gramps.
I have a great sexy wife, you don't
you should stay out of the personal stuff when your getting your ass handed to you.
You got over 1 mill net worth ? I remember you saying you were going to retire when you got that.

you are sounding like Asshat now.

Going to start making anal references now ?
It is also interesting to note that my wife, who stays at home, is considered unemployed in these numbers and that the rate of stay at home mothers in our area is high. It is likely our county might match one of those 8% statistics just based on that alone.

If she is not seeking work, she would not be considered as part of the unemployment number. You are only counted if you are unemployed AND actively seeking work.

5% has been considered full-employment for decades.
If she is not seeking work, she would not be considered as part of the unemployment number. You are only counted if you are unemployed AND actively seeking work.

5% has been considered full-employment for decades.
I understand how the government reports it, but I also understand that on polls on the issue, that many use as the numbers that "don't support the government's numbers because it doesn't count those poor saps who simply gave up!" as I have so often read, DO count my wife as 'unemployed'.
It depends on which numbers are being used. When my wife quit she was most definitely included in the numbers for the beginning of the downturn. The estimates talking about those who haven't looked for jobs, those are usually done by phone polls, would include my wife indefinitely.

There would also be students leaving their work in the summer, the first four weeks would be considered for the unemployment numbers. We can fatten them further, but there really is no need. When you look it always states. "Note unemployment numbers are just an estimate." Even on the bottom of the site that usc linked to you will see this disclaimer with the explanation of the 'within the past four weeks'.

I can say that the unemployment rate using 'the last four weeks' is about to spike. How many students recently quit. After four weeks it will fall again as they will have fallen out of the numbers used to make their estimates as they wouldn't have looked for work during those last few weeks.

Anyway, either way, the numbers at this time are not as dire as previously reported.

Actually Damo, they are all surveys that use the formula of you must be unemployed AND looking for a job. Even if you recently quit your job, you would not be included UNLESS you were seeking a new job. That way situations like students going back to school would not cause unnatural spikes and thus the numbers are more readily comparable to each other.

The surveys are, as stated, just a guage.
Actually Damo, they are all surveys that use the formula of you must be unemployed AND looking for a job. Even if you recently quit your job, you would not be included UNLESS you were seeking a new job. That way situations like students going back to school would not cause unnatural spikes and thus the numbers are more readily comparable to each other.

The surveys are, as stated, just a guage.
SF, one more time. I understand how the government surveys work. However, there are other ways that they are reported in the news. They use telephone polls, that are often quoted by those in opposition to the current admin (whichever side they are on) that do telephone polling.

In those polls, and in the articles about them, they always suggest that many have "given up the search" and are therefore no longer counted. Their numbers are invariably higher than the government surveys. In these polls specifically, my wife is counted as 'unemployed'.

These polls will have a spike in the next month, as the students who left will be counted as "unemployed" in those polls. Expect to have a rush of "the Administrations surveys" are inaccurate threads soon.
That is weird... my last post.... did not post... In it, I said, my bad on my interpretation to what you were saying. You are correct in that there could be polls out there that try to include everyone who is not working rather than trying to compare apples to apples as the official unemployment numbers allow.