Jung would say he hasn't made it out of his first childhood.
I have a college education you ignorant half wit. Putting fellow citizens out of work to cut costs will eventually destroy the nation. You're a traitor, not enlightened, or intelligent.
Actually I think your both half right. Ultimately, in our present economy, job security depends much more on what you know then what you can do. The ability to learn new job skill sets and managing information is critical and thus so is education.
You'd have to be pretty niave not to believe that the greedy in corporate America has not shared the profits of those productivity gains.
The greater this disparity becomes, the greater the chance you'll see a resurgence of unions and other political organizations whose focus will be to protect and advance the economic interest of their membership.
Naw what?
Corrupt unions don't mean we must accept the internationalist fascist insanity of globalization. But you suck on that fat "acceptable" dick of polite discourse.
Polite discourse. Yeah our early govts discourse in congress was more like the Btits do theirs now. I like the brit method better.
Polite discourse was a hallmark of the Enlightenment. Don't be so Medieval all the time. Welcome to a new age, century and millenium.
Yes, I'm rather fond of the way our former colonial masters do their politicking. As per usual, the Euro way is superior to our way. Yet I continue to reside here despite all of these stubborn facts...
yeah me too, I am just too old to leave.
but if I were 20 years younger.....
Eat shit, pseudo-intellectual immoral internationalist fascist fraud.
You, sir, are an Ostrogoth!
You, sir, are an Ostrogoth!
So what, it gave me a chance to bring up the Jutes. He can't be all bad.
I thought they'd been forgotten! Well done for bringing them up! I'm fond of campaigns like this, I want the Jutes to be remembered much more than they are. You know, you hear about Angles, Saxons, Danes and all the rest of them but Jutes, not a peep, not a damn peep! When it comes to studying the wave of invasions of the British Isles after the Romans shot through back home to fight, among others, the Ostrogoths (well done again!), are the Jutes remembered? No, they're bloody well not! It's a disgrace. What the hell are they teaching in schools these days?
I know -
I get that a lot when I mention the Jutes.