World Poker Tour winner Stir_Fry

LOL I just played a tourney with unlimited rebuy for 30 minutes. I had a plan. All in every hand and rebuy hoping everyone else gets a nice stack when you lose. most people will understand that I'm building the chip pile at our table and building the purse and then stop after you get a double up and another so you have 4 times the chips to play with and makes sure everyone keeps a seat so you don't get pulled to another table.
So I ended up with 60K when I settled down. I put 8 or 9 rebuys. LOL
Now, by the break I had all of it back
See pic in next post
Later on in the tourney near the end y hope was for my table to be the final table and the other guy remaining from the starting lineup, Donny50, was down to 175K while the rest had about 600K so I wished him luck with a martini right as the new hand was being dealt and the timing couldn't have been more funny as he was just about to go all in.
He won the hand for a huge laugh at the table

Another interesting hand, which was a first and hopefully last time it ever happens to me hand, Fucking went all in and got a caller with AA and guess what he had? LOL
Only chance was a flush and that's tough. Thankfully nobody else called and got two pair or something. LOL was a 425K bet
Holy shit, just won another tourney! I was so awesome. I was trying out a new strategy to be more forceful and to all in at random times
with sweet cards. Nailed so many straights and flushes. LOL fucking awesome