Worst day of year: Dow down 900 points.

Worst jobs President in modern American history.

That's Trump.
there were what several million less people working the last time he was in and now he is running up the unemployment numbers by hundreds of thousands of people and he has only been in office less then two months.
Wonder how much the unemployment rate will be up by the end of his term in office this time.
Do you really??? No, Sybil. It's just your ongoing hallucinations.
there were what several million less people working the last time he was in and now he is running up the unemployment numbers by hundreds of thousands of people and he has only been in office less then two months.
Wonder how much the unemployment rate will be up by the end of his term in office this time.
Argument from randU fallacy. He's firing useless federal employees. Good for Trump!
YEP another 160 points or so.
Could be a great day with all the talks going on in DC today.
We will have to watch and see.
It is way too early to know how today is going to go, but I am not aware of any significant good news.

Trump certainly should understand that markets and businesses hate chaos.....and he is about to get told NYET by the Russians.....Putin just showed up in military gear for the first time since the start of the SMO.
It is way too early to know how today is going to go, but I am not aware of any significant good news.

Trump certainly should understand that markets and businesses hate chaos.....and he is about to get told NYET by the Russians.....Putin just showed up in military gear for the first time since the start of the SMO.
Well I agree about being too early but we have to see what happens in DC today with the Talks with Ford and Canada.
If it doesn't go well the market could take a really big hit this afternoon.
We will have to wait and see what happens.
Oh back when we were still feeling the after effects of COVID?
(1) Tbird when the DOW JONES average falls ~5% during Trump's first two months in office: "RAHHHHHH!!!!!! ALL TRUMP'S FAULT!!!!!!!! RAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(2) ALSO Tbird when the DOW JONES average fell ~20% during the first nine month's of Biden's second year in office: "ummmm, hmmmm, ummmm, but... but.... but COVID.... yeah, it's just the after effects of COVID... no biggie".
Conclusion: What a DOPE! ... The COVID excuse makes no sense. During Biden's first year in office (1/20/2021 - 12/31/2021), also "during COVID", the DOW JONES average increased 16.5% (from 31,186.20 to 36,338.30) ... Was that also due to the "after effects of COVID"?? You're such a dope.

Stop making mountains out of mole hills. Stop jumping down Trump's throat because the DOW average has so-far decreased under "his watch" meanwhile making excuses for Biden when the DOW average decreased an even greater amount under "his watch". You don't make any sense, dude.
Where have you been for the last couple of years when the markets have been breaking records ?
Where were you during Trump's first term when the DOW JONES average increased by an even greater percentage than it increased during Biden's only term?? Was THAT a "record breaking" feat for Trump?
Again it shows us the fact that the economy does better when we have a DEM in the W H then when we have a Repuk in there.
The DOW JONES average is NOT "the economy". The DOW JONES average did better under Trump's first term than it did under Biden's only term. Maybe Democrats tend to freak out more whenever Republicans are President?? Oh, and once again, the DOW JONES average is NOT "the economy".
Besides that, Occupy Wall Street was about the disparity in wealth in America.
... because Wall Street is "for the rich"?
When the market plummets - as it is under Trump, AGAIN - it's an economic indicator.
What do you mean "again"?? The DOW JONES average increased more under Trump's 1st term than it did under Biden's only term. Under Biden's only term, "the market" plummeted over 20% during most of his 2nd year in office (as opposed to this roughly 5% drop during Trump's 1st two months of his 2nd officially-served term)
Investors have no confidence in this administration.
Correction: DEMOCRATS have no confidence in this administration. THEY are the ones who are currently pulling their money out of the stock market, freaking out about Trump's tariffs even though they had already lived through it during Trump's first term and there were no "drastic price increases due to tariffs" then either.
How'd it due over the full course of his term in office?

Yep. Thought so.
Not as good as it did during Trump's "full course of his term in office". Let's review, shall we?

BIDEN: Up 40.2%
TRUMP: Up 57.6%

57.6% > 40.2%

You continue to show this forum just how uninformed you are about (seemingly) everything.

P.S. -- Your "gotcha" failed. ;)

"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding." [Proverbs 17:28, KJV]
there were what several million less people working the last time he was in and now he is running up the unemployment numbers by hundreds of thousands of people and he has only been in office less then two months.
Wonder how much the unemployment rate will be up by the end of his term in office this time.
IOW, federal government parasites and illegal aliens have less jobs now. GOOD!

Federal government parasites can apply for jobs in which doing work is required instead of sitting on their ass doing nothing at MY expense. Illegal aliens can go back to their own country instead of having Democrats exploit their labor in this one.
(1) Tbird when the DOW JONES average falls ~5% during Trump's first two months in office: "RAHHHHHH!!!!!! ALL TRUMP'S FAULT!!!!!!!! RAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(2) ALSO Tbird when the DOW JONES average fell ~20% during the first nine month's of Biden's second year in office: "ummmm, hmmmm, ummmm, but... but.... but COVID.... yeah, it's just the after effects of COVID... no biggie".
Conclusion: What a DOPE! ... The COVID excuse makes no sense. During Biden's first year in office (1/20/2021 - 12/31/2021), also "during COVID", the DOW JONES average increased 16.5% (from 31,186.20 to 36,338.30) ... Was that also due to the "after effects of COVID"?? You're such a dope.

Stop making mountains out of mole hills. Stop jumping down Trump's throat because the DOW average has so-far decreased under "his watch" meanwhile making excuses for Biden when the DOW average decreased an even greater amount under "his watch". You don't make any sense, dude.

Where were you during Trump's first term when the DOW JONES average increased by an even greater percentage than it increased during Biden's only term?? Was THAT a "record breaking" feat for Trump?

The DOW JONES average is NOT "the economy". The DOW JONES average did better under Trump's first term than it did under Biden's only term. Maybe Democrats tend to freak out more whenever Republicans are President?? Oh, and once again, the DOW JONES average is NOT "the economy".
So the economy WAS doing good when Trump took over in his second term, he starts his Tariff shit and has made the market jittery.and the market is falling a LOT.
The drop under Biden had a lot to do with COVID and supply shortages that started under Trump.
@BartenderElite So you disagree with Nordy here? Nordy says that Wall Street is "for the rich".

Yep. I disagree w/ that.

The rich are the primary investors, but what happens w/ the market affects everyone.

The market is an economic indicator. It goes down when investors have no confidence in the economy - and they don't right now, because of Trump's tariffs and rhetoric in general. Trump is a terrible economic President.
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