Worst Presidential Start in 90 Years!

texas is nearly self sufficient. we have oil and natural gas, but most of all, we got beef. lots and lots of beef.

We have moose.

You also have melons! I love Texas grapefruit, too! I made a grapefruit pie last Sunday, my hubbie loves it.

My daughter lives in Texas now.
They stupidly follow the lead of their puppet masters Begala, Carville, and Rahm as they "wag the Rush".

Isn't Carville that ugly guy married to the Republican Beatch?
I don't even know the others.
bush did the sinkin, Obama is doing the bailing and folks like Rush aren't helping unite this nation. Come together or fall apart! Russian are predicting we won't be a nation in a year! Is that what you are reaching for? Your own Red nation? How would your state fare? Mine would be hurting, we have oil, but we would have to buy veggies from a blue state! Or, maybe we could just eat what comes from Texas!

Bush didn't sink anything, Obama isn't bailing anything, and Rush is an entertainer doing what entertainment does. The nation isn't going to "come together" over Socialism! If that means we "fall apart" then so be it, we're better off falling apart than turning Communist Socialist, and suffering through a century of oppressive authoritarian dictatorship. If you think you can intimidate "red state America" by threatening to disassociate the nation into individual states, you may be in for a very rude awakening. Most of us "red staters" know how to fend for ourselves, and would have no problems whatsoever. It's the spoiled liberal koolaid drinkers who would have a problem. I doubt most of you would even have a clue what to do, if government weren't there to hold your hand and take care of it for you.
Oh, I'm sorry... I forgot you pinheads are obsessed with Rush and me, and couldn't give two shits about the state of the economy. Well, while you are busy making new profiles to poke fun at me, and rallying to try and get Rush off the air, we'll just watch our retirement go up in smoke, and American enterprise being sold for pennies on the dollar.

I really do hope you morons are comfortable, that you are getting maximum enjoyment from your leisure time here, because it won't be long until you don't have Internet access or electricity to run a computer, much less the free time to spend posting your idiocy. I know that is just so hard to believe right now, but eventually the free ride will end for you folks, and you'll have to face reality with the rest of us. But hey... In the meantime, by all means, keep being smarmy little spoiled brat asswipes and keep pretending Rush is the Antichrist!

LOL, we are all going to be Amish soon!
Thank god I bought a double lot so I can plant a decent sized garden. I'm also gonna need space for my horse. I made lots of friends this week to so we can all work together on building it a nice barn