Would blacks riot if

Please explain or describe EXACTLY would an "all white" half time show entail? The reading audience awaits with anticipation! :sneaky:

IDK, maybe People in corn-dog costumes dancing to "I'm Proud to be an American!"

With a few cheerleaders dressed as "Apple Pie" tossed in...

Oh, and giant glasses of under lit bubbling beer that in the end shoot out fireworks! :)

IDK, maybe People in corn-dog costumes dancing to "I'm Proud to be an American!"

With a few cheerleaders dressed as "Apple Pie" tossed in...

Now, now ... play nice! Let's see if our pointy hooded friend who started this OP actually has the cojones to give a real, honest/rational/logical answer.
Now, now ... play nice! Let's see if our pointy hooded friend who started this OP actually has the cojones to give a real, honest/rational/logical answer.

I am being nice, and footballish! Corndogs, Bouncy Cheerleaders, fireworks and BEER! Its perfect!

It is old school NFL and American all the way!

I'm not ashamed to be a patriot, and a Working Man!

No, you said you won't fuck a trans woman. You're a hypocrite.

But you expect women to believe a trans woman with a dick is a woman.
It isn't my orientation. Apparently it is yours since you constantly talk about fucking trans women.
No, you said you won't fuck a trans woman. You're a hypocrite.

But you expect women to believe a trans woman with a dick is a woman.

A Trans-Woman is just in contact sports! He likes the idea of women getting beaten up!

Not my thing, but clearly allot of Lefties like it.

Ohhh, Ohhh! I got it! One last thing to add to the perfect half-time show!

Dogs Catching frisbees all around the outside of the dancing corn-dogs! I mean, dogs trained to leap high to catch frisbees, really high.

People would LOVE it !

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