Why do you keep calling me a Ni99a? Is it because I disobeyed a White Lib?
We had about 50 of them.They had an all white SB halftime show?
They had an all white SB halftime show?
Whites need not apply.The Super Bowl was an all white event (except the players) for decades. Black didn't riot.
I guess the question should be whether whites will riot over an all black halftime show.
Sorry, I did not know you are a homosexual man.It isn't my orientation. Apparently it is yours since you constantly talk about fucking trans women.
Coward. N4t means Ni99a and you know it.Why do you keep falsely accusing me of calling you a ni**a, when in fact I have never once called you that?
Why are you so obsessed with skin color and white people?
Are you a racist?
Coward. N4t means Ni99a and you know it.
Sorry, I did not know you are a homosexual man.It isn't my orientation. Apparently it is yours since you constantly talk about fucking trans women.
Trying to avoid the fact that you crave transwomen?Sorry, I did not know you are a homosexual man.
It's 2025, it's ok for you to be openly homosexual.Trying to avoid the fact that you crave transwomen?
Would you fuck him?
Would you?Would you fuck him?
You're the homosexualWould you?