Would blacks riot if

I am being nice, and footballish! Corndogs, Bouncy Cheerleaders, fireworks and BEER! Its perfect!

It is old school NFL and American all the way!

I'm not ashamed to be a patriot, and a Working Man!

Yeah, that's just a silly response that doesn't really answer the core of the question regarding our sheet wearing friend's OP. But I get your sarcasm! ;)
define "SB"?

I watched most of the haft-time show with my grandkids. They thought the dancers in white looked like tampons... I don't get it, but they thought it was enormously funny. They made snarky remarks about the bathrooms at their high school, but I didn't catch the details.

It embarrassed my 14 year old grandson hugely. He was very angry about school tampons for some reason.

THis goes to your signature....

what about the men who's profession is violence and they pervert all of society and communication to keep fomenting more wars by any means necessary?