Would Liberals Have Protested British Taxation?

Would Liberals Have Protested British Taxation?

  • Total voters
you can't prove shit dear...because, I am who I say I am and I live where I say I live..
I don't know who this other boogie person you are having a fued with, nor do I care..but you need to go find them and spew your insane hate at and leave me the fuck alone, K:clink:

Already proved. :)

Leave you alone? You are the one following me around here making your stupid fucking remarks. You obviously want something.

Is this what you wanted? Me to fucking confront you, so you could start squealing "leave me alone leave me alone"? Same as it ever was huh Abba The Victim?

You really don't do well without the bull dyke here to protect you. That's her mission in life, you better wait for her. She'll cream her underwear when she sees this.

It's what she's been waiting for.

It's what she's here for.
Already proved. :)

Leave you alone? You are the one following me around here making your stupid fucking remarks. You obviously want something.

Is this what you wanted? Me to fucking confront you, so you could start squealing "leave me alone leave me alone"? Same as it ever was huh Abba The Victim?

You really don't do well without the bull dyke here to protect you. That's her mission in life, you better wait for her. She'll cream her underwear when she sees this.

It's what she's been waiting for.

It's what she's here for.

you are truly insane and becoming downright boring..I don't care if you believe me, go right ahead and continue thinking I am this other person if it makes you feel better..good grief, I've never come across someone who is so delusional..I am not going around on this board and making snide little comments on every post, like you do me..
all I can say is your way of speaking and language shows you are not a very nice lady..whatever blows your skirt up my dear..go have a drink, take some medication or something, ...:clink:
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you are truly insane and becoming downright boring..I don't care if you believe me, go right ahead and continue thinking I am this other person if it makes you feel better..good grief, I've never come across someone who is so delusional..
all I can say is your way of speaking and language shows you are not a very nice lady..whatever blows your skirt up my dear..go have a drink, take some medication or something, ...:clink:

Oh is this what you're here for? Thinking you'll make people here belive I'm crazy? You with this shit, the other whore with her "you called me at home" shit? ( don't know her name, never want to, couldn't call her if I wanted to, definitely don't want to).

Is that it?

Abba, people here will just ignore this. They've been posting with me for years.

Anyone who had questions already PM'd me. They already know what I know and how I know. And it's not refutable. The others don't give a shit. You won't take over this board with this, even though I know you and stinkass want that. Your lives have been empty since it's been gone. What was the last straw? Frog leaving? I think it was when P left. That was it for you guys, emptiness, no one left to hate on, so you finally decided to come here. But you'd be stopped if you tried, and I'd leave long before that anyway. Just like I did FOUR fucking years ago on the other board.

Because I'm not empty Abba.

Tell stinkass I said to go fuck herself when she parks her ass here for the night after she gets off work later.
Oh is this what you're here for? Thinking you'll make people here believe I'm crazy? You with this shit, the other whore with her "you called me at home" shit? ( don't know her name, never want to, couldn't call her if I wanted to, definitely don't want to).

Is that it?

Abba, people here will just ignore this. They've been posting with me for years.

Anyone who had questions already PM'd me. They already know what I know and how I know. And it's not refutable. The others don't give a shit. You won't take over this board with this, even though I know you and stinkass want that. Your lives have been empty since it's been gone. What was the last straw? Frog leaving? I think it was when P left. That was it for you guys, emptiness, no one left to hate on, so you finally decided to come here. But you'd be stopped if you tried, and I'd leave long before that anyway. Just like I did FOUR fucking years ago on the other board.

Because I'm not empty Abba.

Tell stinkass I said to go fuck herself when she parks her ass here for the night after she gets off work later.

I don't think I have to convince anyone that you are crazy. and I don't care who PMd you, because what you told them is a friggin lie, if it's pretaing to me, if they want to believe you, whatever, I don't care..
I rarely ever talk to you here, unless you speak to me first, yet I supposedly am the one here stalking you..
you live off in a la la land..please go find this Abba person, and bitchslap them I guess, that's what it sounds like you want to go do.

don't go away mad, just go away, K
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I doubt the modern liberals could be riled into revolt with anything less than the British passing a law defining marriage as a sacred institution between a man and a woman.

Awesome, I have new quote to replace my "Grind Suffors Frome PMS" line, which has proved to be precient these last couple of weeks...
Is the implication here that those making over $250K have no representation in American gov't?

Because they do have it. Plenty of it.

The reality is, the constituent assemblies and/or the proposed Colonial House of Parliament would have voted down the taxes anyway, because they would never have consented to any taxes that they could avoid. Colonists didn't even bother to pay any import fees that could be avoided by simply smuggling goods (a practice they condoned and didn't view as illegal or wrong - resulting in the infamous Admiralty Courts, because colonial juries kept repeatedly returning verdicts of "not guilty" or "no true bill" on all prosecuted smugglers).

If you want to compare the situation of Americans making $250k to the situation of the colonists, then they do not have Actual Representation in Congress - they have the same Virtual Representation that colonists had in Parliament (which they considered bogus representation). You would either need to have a majority of all businessmen netting $250k or greater consent to all such taxes, or create a third branch of Congress set aside for them to be seated on (and presto - you would never get them to consent to taxation either!).
Oh is this what you're here for? Thinking you'll make people here belive I'm crazy? You with this shit, the other whore with her "you called me at home" shit? ( don't know her name, never want to, couldn't call her if I wanted to, definitely don't want to).

Is that it?

Abba, people here will just ignore this. They've been posting with me for years.

Anyone who had questions already PM'd me. They already know what I know and how I know. And it's not refutable. The others don't give a shit. You won't take over this board with this, even though I know you and stinkass want that. Your lives have been empty since it's been gone. What was the last straw? Frog leaving? I think it was when P left. That was it for you guys, emptiness, no one left to hate on, so you finally decided to come here. But you'd be stopped if you tried, and I'd leave long before that anyway. Just like I did FOUR fucking years ago on the other board.

Because I'm not empty Abba.

Tell stinkass I said to go fuck herself when she parks her ass here for the night after she gets off work later.

HAHAHA! You are a nutter! It's you who have harrassed! I was invited to post over here quite awhile ago. Posted under a name I decided I didn't like and have now chosen this one. You are chasing this poor woman around with your "aabba obsession" and I guarentee you she isn't aabba, but as is your ridiculous nature you think you smell blood and have gone all vampire on us.

Now, eh-hem, Darla, I have caller ID. I also have a digital camera and took a picture of 2 of the 3 calls you made to my home asking once for my daughter and once for my husband?

Now leave this poor woman alone, leave me out of your delusions and post on topic for crying out loud! :pke:
The reality is, the constituent assemblies and/or the proposed Colonial House of Parliament would have voted down the taxes anyway, because they would never have consented to any taxes that they could avoid. Colonists didn't even bother to pay any import fees that could be avoided by simply smuggling goods (a practice they condoned and didn't view as illegal or wrong - resulting in the infamous Admiralty Courts, because colonial juries kept repeatedly returning verdicts of "not guilty" or "no true bill" on all prosecuted smugglers).

If you want to compare the situation of Americans making $250k to the situation of the colonists, then they do not have Actual Representation in Congress - they have the same Virtual Representation that colonists had in Parliament (which they considered bogus representation). You would either need to have a majority of all businessmen netting $250k or greater consent to all such taxes, or create a third branch of Congress set aside for them to be seated on (and presto - you would never get them to consent to taxation either!).

A majority of people making over 250k voted for Obama.

Again, if it's illegitimate to tax people making over 250k without calling some special "people making over 250k" congress, then why is it legitimate to tax anyone at all without calling the congress of themselves? Again, you delve into anarchism and nihilism and lose all intellectual validity. It's an argument silly beyond belief to say that if your minority or you as an individual don't have absolute veto power over everything pertaining to you it's an illegitimate democratic decision. You simply cannot function as a societal unit holding such a belief, and that's where libertarianism/fascism breaks down.
A majority of people making over 250k voted for Obama.

Again, if it's illegitimate to tax people making over 250k without calling some special "people making over 250k" congress, then why is it legitimate to tax anyone at all without calling the congress of themselves? Again, you delve into anarchism and nihilism and lose all intellectual validity. It's an argument silly beyond belief to say that if your minority or you as an individual don't have absolute veto power over everything pertaining to you it's an illegitimate democratic decision. You simply cannot function as a societal unit holding such a belief, and that's where libertarianism/fascism breaks down.

Well, that's sort of the point with the Colonists. They were never going to pay the taxes anyway. They were an incredibly selfish people, seeing as how they were the wealthiest society in the world, and received the protection of the British military in hard times (like the French & Indian War) which they barely helped to pay for and maintain.

I was comparing what would have to happen today that would be equally radical to the demands of the Colonists back during the Revolution. Its not really surprising to see that the British got pissed off and started provoking them with legitimate grievances in the Intollerable Acts.

Furthermore, the wealthy people that voted for Obama mostly voted for him for the same reason that so many others did - to punish Republicans for Bush and the war. They have no desire to see their taxes raised, and will retaliate in 2010, just as they retaliated against Republicans in the last two elections for their stupidity.
I don't think people making over 250k wanted their taxes to be raised. They simply didn't care about a 3% rise if it was going to increase their and those around thems quality of life.
I don't know what planet someone lives on, that they believe the majority of people who work hard to support their family, don't MIND being forced through taxation to support someone else family also..
I don't think people making over 250k wanted their taxes to be raised. They simply didn't care about a 3% rise if it was going to increase their and those around thems quality of life.

Watermark you should really read "The Millionaire Next Door", it's a book documenting the life of rich people and has many eye opening stats.

One of the biggest is this assumption that many have that the rich got to be rich by going on a big offense of earning millions in corporate profit taking and aggressive income building.

The majority of those who attained millionare status did so by owning a small business. In fact the typical profile of a millionaire is a small business owner who took decades to get to the point of being a millionaire, is married, has kids and lives quite frugally.

They care very much about tax increases and about government over spending.
I'm not talking about someone who has the networth of a million dollars, but literally earns a million each year. There is a huge difference in wealth and status between the lower end of each type. It really isn't useful to use networth as a measure when you're talking about the income tax.

Importantly, people who had taken decades to amas a total networth of more than one million dollars are probably being taxed under middle class taxation levels, or else they're just really horrible spenders, because it should take less than decades to achieve a NW of a million dollars making more than a quarter of that each year.
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Desh is hilarious. The corporations gave money to secretly fund protests AGAINST the government giving corporations a fuckton of money.

You should really seek help desh.

she's honestly like a desh troll trying to make fun of her, but it's actually desh.
I just looked over this thread again and realized that half of the second page of this thing was completely emo-jizzed and urinated on by a couple of adolescents.

WTF? Show a little respect - especially as we were just getting into serious debate and all.. Bad form. :nono: