"MY" science? Priceless!
Yes the science you propose disproves God!
"MY" science? Priceless!
because you have a broken brain
your brain is allergic to facts
bad information in means bad decisions out
you are the result of bad information in
when the NON believing tell you what they believe that is NOT an attack on your beliefs
how else can a non believer tell you what they believe without telling you why and how they came to the conclusion that ther is no GOD.
when believers tell me why they believe I dont see it as a attack on what I believe.
others do not share your beliefs
quit thinking that means they are attacking you for merely NOT SHARING YOUR BELIEFS
its called observrable FACTS
what you depend on in your belief is FAITH
not facts
your Faith has been used to try and destroy and deny sceince for many many human lives span.
anything you find uncomfortable that challenges the INTERPRITATION given you of the bibles failure to answer to what mankind observes in reality is merely excused as gods will.
its magical thinking
the world isnt magical
it has rhyme and reason
that is what sceince is about
religion always hates on sceince because it always threatens the POWER of the current reigions of the time.
Organized religion is a power structure
It is the perfect vehicle for a sociopath to climb to power and manipulate the population
SCIENCE does the opposite
it give the people information to help them spot the people trying to lie to them for power.
your beliefs have harmed many humans
sceince informs many humans
that is why I chose science
Scientist don’t hate on God, many are people of faith.Please feel free to list observable science disproving the existence of God!
Yes I have Faith, that in, and of itself means squat, God exists whether I, or you believe, it's not up to us, He exists. You choose not to believe yet you know he exists.
I see your challenges, and destroy them with facts, which in turn gets me called names, and a whole lot of NUH UHS from non Believers.
The world is not magical it was created though, and is a miracle of God.
Scientists hate on God because they cannot understand Him, and cannot disprove Him, he befuddles them time and again.
Yes the science you propose disproves God!
Don’t know about that, but it sure as shit blows your bullshit children’s story about the Ark out of the water.
It really is sad that people like you have to concoct every bizarre scenario imaginable to validate your myths, when a normally functioning rational mind can just accept them for what they are and move on. But the true thumper can’t because it destroys the laughable notion that your holy book is infallible.
Scientist don’t hate on God, many are people of faith.
No problemYou are correct my apologies!
Your Science has proven nothing to make me believe there is no God. I will wait, amaze me.
He asked the question about the Ark and Kangaroos, I provided evidence and then was called dumbfu-- moron and ignorant in the next post. Stay out of it unless you come bearing facts about the conversation!
No it doesn't, and the fact you list no proof, proves it. Your saying it didn't happen does not mean it didn't happen.
ME saying?
Pally boy, there are no true scientists that claim there was a land bridge to Australia in the last 4000 years. There are no true scientists who believe one could pair every species on the earth into one boat for a year. Much less gather them to one spot in the first place. There are no credible scientists who think a 900 year old man could build that boat. There are no credible scientists who claim there was one catastrophic worldwide flood. There are no true scientis who believe the animals could disprse through the four corners of the earth, as required by your story. There are no credible scientists who believe there were no rainbows before your flood.
Yet, you need EVERY element of those bizarre concoctions to be true for your book to remain valid. Not just a couple, but all.
Laughably pathetic.
Since when are you arbiter of what constitutes a true Scientist? Your lack of belief does not qualify you to do that. You have yet to provide one shred of evidence that refutes anything I have said. You understand that I will make you look foolish, so you call names, and act like you are some kind of Elite thinker.
You are a prideful, arrogant fool, but it's ok even you know there is a God.
Knowledge of God (knowledge that there is a Supreme Being) is a knowledge that every person has. It is a knowledge that is “manifest” (evident) in every individual and knowledge that the wicked “suppress” (Rom. 1:18-19). It is a knowledge that consists of God’s invisible qualities, “His eternal power and Godhead,” and a knowledge that is so “clearly seen” that men are “without excuse” (Rom. 1:20). Whether this knowledge can best be described as innate (an endowment by God of every man), or intuitive (an automatic knowledge that arises within the individual because of that which is communicated to him from around him), or a combination of the two, the point is that every individual has this knowledge. It is a knowledge that no man is without
Keep posting your creationist sites and quoting your book as “proof”. You embarrass uourself with belief in wild fairy tales and endlessly circular “reasoning” and don’t even realize it. Quite pathetic, actually.
With the typing of the truth, you have been relegated to nothingness, you are done, you are toast, you have no intelligent argument, you are dismissed child.
Tell me again how you have a science degree!
Obviously, you are not interested in scientific truth versus fairytales.
Mr. "Science". lol
Quote Originally Posted by domer76 View Post
Pally boy, there are no true scientists that claim there was a land bridge to Australia in the last 4000 years.
fair enough.....but only a handful of young earthers and all atheists claim there has to be...........
Mr. non degree lol