Here’s the fallacy of circular reasoning, dumbfuck, which you ignorantly employed.
You can’t use a particular source (the Bible) to prove the validity of the source (the Bible). See how that works, moron?
Your “source” is also wrong when it claims 75,000 species. There are millions. The rest is also circular BS.
But, YOU tell me. How did those particular animals found only in Australia (only 2 of them), hike all the way from Turkey to Australia. Unharmed. No mating until they arrived.
I’ll leave the other absurdities of your children’s story until later.
Ask me a hard one will you?
Evolutionists acknowledge that men and animals could once freely cross the Bering Strait, which separates Asia and the Americas. Before the idea of continental drift became popular, evolutionists depended entirely upon a lowering of the sea level during an ice age (which locked up water in the ice) to create land bridges, enabling dry-land passage from Europe most of the way to Australasia, for example.
The existence of some deep-water stretches along the route to Australia is still consistent with this explanation. Evolutionist geologists themselves believe there have been major tectonic upheavals, accompanied by substantial rising and falling of sea floors, in the time period which they associate with an ice age. For instance, parts of California are believed to have been raised many thousands of feet from what was the sea floor during this ice age period, which they call “Pleistocene” (one of the most recent of the supposed geological periods). creationist geologists generally regard Pleistocene sediments as post-flood, the period in which these major migrations took place.
In the same way, other dry-land areas, including parts of these land bridges, subsided to become submerged at around the same time.
Now you, where did life begin and how?
If you must use foul language, here is a quote from Will Smith's grandma
Dear Willard, intelligent people do not use these words to express themselves."