Would you be upset if....?


Junior Member
Would you be upset if a Hacker, hacked one voting district, so that all votes, 100% of them, went to the Independent Candidate, knowing that the hacker did this intentionally to show the usa government and us citizens that the electronic touch screen system is unsafe and hackable?

This could be the only way to PROVE to everyone that our voting system is unsafe and something like this hackable offense of showing that he could redirect all votes to one person would prove it, no?

Well, the voters of that one district could be hurt drastically by this, by not having a safe and fair vote, but I would imagine after this blow up, they could call for another election, or perhaps the hacker could SAVE the original and real vote too?

I ask this because on c-span this morning a desperate caller suggested that this might be the ONLY WAY to get our voting rights and security back....so I was wondering what you thought of this...

It blew my mind when i heard the caller say it....i thought, holy pajesus, mary, and joseph....as toby said, if it were feasible, and was accomplished by this hacker, then it would be a good thing that it was exposed.

Yet, the hacker would probably do jail time...since they would be breaking federal law, no?
funny desh supports something like that but sees things differently when a little so called group at fullpolitics wanted to use a flawed system to show it's weaknesses.
It would be worth the jail time. Wouldn't it?
Oddly, that very question has occured to me. For the record, the 8-Ball has always come back "No" . . . at least thus far.


Yes, it is feasible, though not easy. The level of difficulty depends on a lot of factors, like how smart the local registrar of voters' staff is and which system they're using.
You'd have no chance in our area. First, you would have to break the seal and steal the disc, make changes, put it back in, reaseal it with the broken seal or one with the exact same number, all while we were watching you. It just isn't going to happen.

I couldn't do it and I work there.
Lets wait until nov. .. maybe the hacker will be a Democrat and then you will change your mind ... ;)
I mean, Care, you make it sound so easy...

It's not like these things are just hooked up to the internet and all you have to do is find the IP address and send in a bunch of bogus ballots through a security hole. You'd actually have to be in the premises, and steal things, to do it.
It would be more interesting to show zero total votes :)
So what is your plan? You'd have to come in to our voting area, somehow access the machine that is in the view of three precincts and all their judges, break the seal, steal the disc, make the changes using the language specifically made for these things, put it back in, reseal it with the right color seal with the exact same number that was already there, then leave all without being caught immediately.

Good luck!
Me ? I got no plan, It would just be fun to watch the havoc that would ensue though.

I do support a paper trail for all votes though.
Oh, yeah. And you'd have to change the paper trail if you wanted it to stick....

It prints up your vote for your perusal to the side. It even won't move on until you tell it to... It then scrolls all the way in hiding the votes before the next person hooks up.
anyway Domo the adjustment factor could be in the code.

I wonder how you do a ctl/alt/del on those things anyway ;)

But then I am sure there are Zero bugs in there, and the drives and such will never fail .....

Think of the odds of hundreds of thousands ? of computers all operating on the same day with zero problems for all day .....
If it failed we still have the paper trail... If a person is unable to read it because of a failure they don't approve it and we shut down that machine and make them use the Optical scanners, which also have a paper trail. Methinks you object to what you don't understand. In almost every place there are such protections.
We have no paper trail here on the electronic machines and most of the people I know that work in the polling places don't know jack about computers. So we have amateurs operating them...

Methinks that you don't understand that many/most places are not required to have a paper trail. Dumping / printing the votes at the end of the day is not a paper trail.
We have no paper trail here on the electronic machines and most of the people I know that work in the polling places don't know jack about computers. So we have amateurs operating them...

Methinks that you don't understand that many/most places are not required to have a paper trail. Dumping / printing the votes at the end of the day is not a paper trail.
No, it is not. But even there you would still have to access the machine in order to "hack" it that way. Even if people don't know jack about computers you would still have to access it, hack it, and reconnect it with the right seals all within their vision range. I don't think you'd be very successful.

Anyway, I was talking about ours and gave you the stumbling blocks you'd have to overcome. There is a paper trail, on all the machines we use...
No, it is not. But even there you would still have to access the machine in order to "hack" it that way. Even if people don't know jack about computers you would still have to access it, hack it, and reconnect it with the right seals all within their vision range. I don't think you'd be very successful.

Anyway, I was talking about ours and gave you the stumbling blocks you'd have to overcome. There is a paper trail, on all the machines we use...

Damo, if there is an as you vote paper trail then I have no problems with electronic voting machines, other than perhaps poll workers being computer illiterate or the machines crashing or locking up. But the as you vote paper trail could recover the votes, so I guess that is not too serious of a problem as long as the voting precinct has plans for those types of problems.

In the rural areas of KY few of the older people are computer literate and all of the poll vorkers I know are elderly (well at least as old as I am ) and computer illiterate. Honest elderly, but do well to operate a TV remote or microwave.
If he did to show the world it could be done and provided the real results afterward on his own accord and not after having been "found out", I don't think I'd be mad.