Would you be upset if....?

The reason that it won't is because people must be reasonably assured of accurate results. That people are up in arms about machines that are not networked gives me a reference point to show that changes will be made in the opposite direction. People will fight for less hackable machines, not for more hackable... And when it comes right down to it, at that level particularly, people's votes really matter and they will select those who will enact the change that they wish.

At some point people will draw the line... "This far and no more!"

I sure hope they draw the line while they still can....
It is and I would be willing, but I lack the skills.

Would it really be? You would probably be looking at at least 20 years if not more. Would that really be worth it to you? This would be election fraud and I imagine the penalty (for anyone not high up in political circles) would be devastating.

It would not be worth it to me. That is for sure.

I am sure that more than half that can vote do not. And I don't think it is because of these new changes... Most are content to let others decide for them as long as their personal happiness is not infringed. Therefore those that do vote must take their responsibility seriously and I believe that they do.

I get tired of all the "fearmongering" ... "We are doomed, they make machines that could be hacked if you jump through these thousand fiery hoops of death! Doooooomed, I tell ya! It means that all our elections have been and will be hacked for time immemorial! It is inevitable!"

This is simple rhetorical fearmongering in an attempt to garner votes for a percieved position. Inform without the fearmongering and you are likely to get more than just one side on that bandwagon.
Would it really be? You would probably be looking at at least 20 years if not more. Would that really be worth it to you? This would be election fraud and I imagine the penalty (for anyone not high up in political circles) would be devastating.

It would not be worth it to me. That is for sure.

If I were elected after such a display I would Pardon the "perpetrator"... I think that even most politicians would in order to "appear" concerned with fair elections.
Would it really be? You would probably be looking at at least 20 years if not more. Would that really be worth it to you? This would be election fraud and I imagine the penalty (for anyone not high up in political circles) would be devastating.

It would not be worth it to me. That is for sure.


For the sake of this country it would be. Don't you think literally millions of people - including Jesse Jackson, the ACLU, the Hollywood left, conservatives, war protesters, and any voter with a modicum of patriotic sentiment - would be clammering for my pardon and realease? I mean we can all sorts of people protesting for the release of cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal(sp).

We need another revolt in this country - armed if necessary.
Many areas heve no paper trail.

This has already been done in demonstrations.

I dont advocate this but it might work.

Then again it would probably get about as much attention as the real hacking that happened
For the sake of this country it would be. Don't you think literally millions of people - including Jesse Jackson, the ACLU, the Hollywood left, conservatives, war protesters, and any voter with a modicum of patriotic sentiment - would be clammering for my pardon and realease? I mean we can all sorts of people protesting for the release of cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal(sp).

We need another revolt in this country - armed if necessary.

You are going to put your freedom in the hands of Jesse Jackson or the ACLU? You have more guts than I do.

I think the revolt is coming and I pray it will be a peaceful one.

It will come when this scum we have right now leave office.
You guys are going to get all upset about the investigations which go after the Rs in this admin who LIED, CHEATED and Took over our voting process for their own use.

You will then be all pissed at us for going after them and call it a witch hunt.

THey have investigated NOTHING in there years in office.
If I were elected after such a display I would Pardon the "perpetrator"... I think that even most politicians would in order to "appear" concerned with fair elections.

I don't think there is a modicrum of integrity in our elected officials. Besides wouldn't you need to be elected Governor or President to offer pardons?

I think they would use "fair elections" as their reason for leaving this "poor soul" to rot in prison as long as they could.

I don't think there is a modicrum of integrity in our elected officials. Besides wouldn't you need to be elected Governor or President to offer pardons?

I think they would use "fair elections" as their reason for leaving this "poor soul" to rot in prison as long as they could.

Somebody would get elected Governor afterward, even if it is the incumbent. They know they need to run again, or that somebody in their party will. In order to keep appearances they would follow what the "people" decide on it, and pardon the person for "appearances" sake. Not because they have integrity, but because they want to look like they have integrity.
Somebody would get elected Governor afterward, even if it is the incumbent. They know they need to run again, or that somebody in their party will. In order to keep appearances they would follow what the "people" decide on it, and pardon the person for "appearances" sake. Not because they have integrity, but because they want to look like they have integrity.

I think they would go the other way.

"This man is a common criminal who attempted to sway an election for his own desires and when he was caught tried to appeal to Americans as a 'defender of the cause'. He is what is wrong with America today."

The GAO report is brought up by those who believe that a previous election was already "hacked", Care. They use the report that states that it "can happen" as evidence that it "did happen"... reference about a billion threads from Desh.

I thought the GAO report was brought up to show that "it COULD be done", therefore it COULD be hacked by a hacker? Not that it WAS DONE?

Who's to say the "hacker" is not someone that is a whistle blower within the company with access to all of those vulnerable areas that the GAO has pointed out in this report, ya know?
I thought the GAO report was brought up to show that "it COULD be done", therefore it COULD be hacked by a hacker? Not that it WAS DONE?

Who's to say the "hacker" is not someone that is a whistle blower within the company with access to all of those vulnerable areas that the GAO has pointed out in this report, ya know?
Except you ignore the fact that I put forward evidence that the GAO report is used for other than that. Shoot, even in this thread that person appeared...

I think they would go the other way.

"This man is a common criminal who attempted to sway an election for his own desires and when he was caught tried to appeal to Americans as a 'defender of the cause'. He is what is wrong with America today."

The blogs wouldn't let them. It would be sung throughout the land regardless of Media ownership and the Governor's position. We have seen it happen...
It will come when this scum we have right now leave office.
You guys are going to get all upset about the investigations which go after the Rs in this admin who LIED, CHEATED and Took over our voting process for their own use.

You will then be all pissed at us for going after them and call it a witch hunt.

THey have investigated NOTHING in there years in office.
Now, now, you're not putting me in the Bushie camp are you? I will admit I got fooled the first time (election 2000), but not the second time.
Except you ignore the fact that I put forward evidence that the GAO report is used for other than that. Shoot, even in this thread that person appeared...


So what though, damo? So what if it is used by SOME in that manner....? ..that does NOT in any way negate the report, does it? well, to me, it shouldn't!
