"Would You Choose To Live Forever?"

The thought of "eternal life" is so repulsive to me, that it sounds more like a threat or punishment than a reward.
I’m counting on it … but not here. Planning on a big move.

But you really don’t have a choice. You’re going to live forever. The key is Location, Location, Location.
If I could live a healthy and fun life forever, yes. I'd love to see what the world is like 1,000 years from now, then 10,000, so forth. It would be even cooler if I could just skip along, be woken up every 100 years to learn what's new then put back in the fridge for safekeeping...

If I could live a healthy and fun life forever, yes. I'd love to see what the world is like 1,000 years from now, then 10,000, so forth. It would be even cooler if I could just skip along, be woken up every 100 years to learn what's new then put back in the fridge for safekeeping...


Agreed quality not quantity is the key. Being woken every 100 years for a few months would be interesting.
Regular sleep would be fine for me if I lived forever

If I could have health and security living until I decided myself to exit would be awesome
With the direction this country is headed, no.

I'd bet if the WWII veterans could have added another 30-40 years on their lives, they'd be appalled at what this country has become.
With the direction this country is headed, no.

I'd bet if the WWII veterans could have added another 30-40 years on their lives, they'd be appalled at what this country has become.

Nah, I think they would forgive you guys.
In the flesh yes,in the Spirit no.

The thought of eternal life, whether in the flesh or in the spirit, is repulsive to me. It does sound more like a threat than a reward. And it seems to me to be held as something positive only by people who are afraid of the inevitable...death.
I'm not so sure. They just fought a war against fascism and tin-plated dictators losing friends and years in the process. I think they'd hate the RW authoritarians as much as they hated Nazis.

Yeah, you might be correct, Doc. The American Right has always fucked our Republic. They did it when they were Tories back in the 18th century; they did it when they were Democrats back in the 19th century...and they are doing it as Republicans in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

They just cannot get the idea of the Republic correct!
Yeah, you might be correct, Doc. The American Right has always fucked our Republic. They did it when they were Tories back in the 18th century; they did it when they were Democrats back in the 19th century...and they are doing it as Republicans in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

They just cannot get the idea of the Republic correct!

Agreed Trumpers are the modern equivalent of Tories.