Would You Drink Wastewater? What if It Was Beer?


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As water sources, particularly in the western United States, dry up from overuse, drought and climate change, supporters of direct potable reuse — the use of treated wastewater in the drinking water supply — are pitching it as part of the solution. Increasingly, they are turning to beer as a way of getting people beyond the “ick factor” that has been a hurdle to its broader acceptance.

Aaron Tartakovsky, the co-founder and chief executive of Epic Cleantec, the wastewater technology company that worked with Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company of San Carlos, Calif., to create Epic OneWater Brew, said he wanted to make the beer to show the “untapped potential” of water reuse.

Nature filters dirty water into clean water all day long

It always has since the beginning of time on earth

Once it’s clean it’s clean

No matter how it was cleaned

Naturally or by man made methods
I don’t drink much at all anymore

I have trouble even finishing one beer anymore

Makes me fall asleep

Never thought that would happen

Glad my ganja still does the job
Even if it's perfectly safe,

I find the thought of it to be repugnant.

I'm not arguing with anybody over this, understand.

I simply don't personally believe that the survival of the human species

is important enough to do anything that gross.
There is no water shortage.

We have the ability to make all the water we will ever need with desalination plants.

Our major warships make their own water, Saudi Arabia makes 90% of their water.

The fact that we won't invest in them is simply so states can collect more tax dollars.

It's all a sham.
There is no water shortage.

We have the ability to make all the water we will ever need with desalination plants.

Our major warships make their own water, Saudi Arabia makes 90% of their water.

The fact that we won't invest in them is simply so states can collect more tax dollars.

It's all a sham.

That takes a lot of energy, and our owners (Carlin) are in the process of putting us on restrictictive energy diets to Save the Planet allegedly.
There have been times and places where people tried to drink beer not water because the water could not be trusted. Under the rule of the WOKE regressives we might be going back to that.
That takes a lot of energy, and our owners (Carlin) are in the process of putting us on restrictictive energy diets to Save the Planet allegedly.

Build more nuclear plants to power them.

The point is that there is no need for any sort of water shortage when we have the technology to solve it.

There is no water shortage.

We have the ability to make all the water we will ever need with desalination plants.

Our major warships make their own water, Saudi Arabia makes 90% of their water.

The fact that we won't invest in them is simply so states can collect more tax dollars.

It's all a sham.

More blabbering nonsense from you.

You can't build enough desalination plants to supply an entire state, much less the entire country.

They cost tens of millions each to build, they have to be staffed, operated and constantly maintained and they have a limited capacity.

The problem is not a shortage of fresh water, it's that we're using it faster than nature can filter it and make it usable again.

Every drop of water that gets used, treated and pumped back into the deep groundwater supply, takes 100 years before it percolates back up to where municipal water supply agencies can supply it to their customers.

Get used to the idea of drinking sewage because you're going to be doing it before long.

More blabbering nonsense from you.

You can't build enough desalination plants to supply an entire state, much less the entire country.

They cost tens of millions each to build, they have to be staffed, operated and constantly maintained and they have a limited capacity.

The problem is not a shortage of fresh water, it's that we're using it faster than nature can filter it and make it usable again.

Every drop of water that gets used, treated and pumped back into the deep groundwater supply, takes 100 years before it percolates back up to where municipal water supply agencies can supply it to their customers.

Get used to the idea of drinking sewage because you're going to be doing it before long.

Other nations do it just fine.

Build plants the size you need to sustain the population.

And they cost more then tens of millions but save the taxpayers far more than that eventually.
Yes, we have no technology on how to turn salt water into fresh water, you are right, I made it up.

That's not what I said, brainiac.

We just can't do it on the scale you're talking about.

That's why they're super-treating sewage water and pumping it straight back into local water supplies.
Other nations do it just fine.

Build plants the size you need to sustain the population.

And they cost more then tens of millions but save the taxpayers far more than that eventually.

Other nations are not as big or populous as the US.

Plus, their plants don't supply their entire countries either.

You're just pulling shit out of your ass.

The one that I still won't propose to you because of.
That's not what I said, brainiac.

We just can't do it on the scale you're talking about.

That's why they're super-treating sewage water and pumping it straight back into local water supplies.

Sure we can.

Tell me why we can't do it?

Tampa Bay currently has a plant that produces 25 million GPD at a cost of 2 dollars per 1000 gallons.

Do you want to know what someone get's charged for water coming from a non-desalination plant?
Other nations are not as big or populous as the US.

Plus, their plants don't supply their entire countries either.

You're just pulling shit out of your ass.

The one that I still won't propose to you because of.

Then build enough plants dumbshit.

You fucktards have no problem putting windmills on every square inch of land so put some water purification plants there also.