Would you rather have 50k or 200k?

You make 50k, everyone else Makes 25k. -OR- You make 200k, everyone else makes 400k.

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That would depend on what it was.

If it was pounds of poop that I would be forced to eat, well... I'd pick the smaller amount.
you really thought I was suggesting kilograms damo?

Congrats on getting the uscitizen award. I think that's like twice in one month which is really bad.
I posted before your poll appeared. It didn't say what I would be getting 50K or 200K of, so I stated it would depend on what it was you wanted to give me 50K of.

Let's say, instead of posting a poll you just let people rock on about how much better 200K was, then sprung the trap and added, "Boots in your a$$, not money dingbat!"
50 for me 25 for everyone else.

My 200k would be worthless from the resulting inflation if everyone got 400k.
Basically, Grind, you are asking me whether or not I want to make half as much or twice as much as everyone else. Although me not making twice as much as everyone else would slightly raise the value of their dollars, I'm not that much of an egalitarian.
Assuming the inflation rate does not change (for some reason I was thinking of everyone as as referring to just the other members of the site because of people like Toppy and Chap), then 200k seems like riches too me and I am cool with it (plus, as a teacher I will never come close to that amount in reality)...
50 for me 25 for everyone else.

My 200k would be worthless from the resulting inflation if everyone got 400k.

i was going to disqualify this but wanted to see if someone would come up with it.

So go both ways, with inflation and hypothetically no inflation.
50 for me 25 for everyone else.

My 200k would be worthless from the resulting inflation if everyone got 400k.


why would you chose to make 1/2 of what everyone else is making?

Unless in fact Damo was right and it is in fact lbs of poop.
I would rather have 200K and everyone else got 400K. I'm probably in the top 5% of people who know how to manage my personal finances. While all those other dingbats are out spending their 400K, I would have saved most of my 200K and invested wisely.
I would rather have 200K and everyone else got 400K. I'm probably in the top 5% of people who know how to manage my personal finances. While all those other dingbats are out spending their 400K, I would have saved most of my 200K and invested wisely.

all those other ding bats will be buying houses and raising the prices on them so that even if you do invest wisely you're measly 200k won't be able to buy you a 1BR condo in the ghetto.
If the inflation rate magically didn't change (which, BTW grind, would be impossible), then you could get a higher quality of life with the 200k.

Then again, let's think about this grind. If I had twice as much money as everybody else, then all the chicks would dig me. Is constant sex worth 1/5 the "quality of life" that you'd get otherwise? I think so.
If the inflation rate didn't change?

Well if that happened, I'd immediately go check to make sure gravity was still in effect too.
all those other ding bats will be buying houses and raising the prices on them so that even if you do invest wisely you're measly 200k won't be able to buy you a 1BR condo in the ghetto.

Too bad, I already have a house. My house would then be worth 4x what I bought it for ;)