You’re still in first place, Jethro.
who the fuck is "jethro"?
is this more of that group psychosis that everyone here is a sock?
You’re still in first place, Jethro.
Would you support putting trump people in concentration camps?
very simple question that a few years ago would not even be remotely a legitimate question.
but now one must ask.
I support locating the millions of violent extremists that irresponsible Republican media lies and hate speech has created and reprogramming them through anger management therapy and counseling.
They quite literally suffer from a fact void worldview in the way a religious (or irreligious) cult does.
No, they go to jail when they do crooked things. Although, to be fair, they actually would have done a good bit more to deserve it than the Americans that had Japanese ancestry did. Let me speak for them when I say the Trump cultists and the Covidiots have nothing to whine about.
Would you support putting trump people in concentration camps?
very simple question that a few years ago would not even be remotely a legitimate question.
but now one must ask.
Correct. Someone who can cheer putting kids in cages and separating them from their parents is capable of anything. That's why we can no longer allow them to participate in polite society.
I'd support putting you in a padded cell you brain dead Fascistic dumbass.
Who is we? You and the secret police? That sounds like a threat. Threatening someone for an opinion is what Communists do.Go ahead, keep yapping. We're watching.
oh you silly shithead.
re-read my posts I think you are confused.
not yet, but you are all advocating harsher treatment to trump supporters than we did the japanese.
Are you out of your mind? No one is giving harsher treatment to Trump supporters. They were babied. If the Japanese Americans tried something any way near that back in the day they would have been called enemy combatants and put in the ground. Even today, if you replace Trump supporters with Muslims you'd see a lot more of them killed.
who the fuck is "jethro"?
is this more of that group psychosis that everyone here is a sock?
have you seen:
You seem like you may be rational in a sea of irrationality.
but your teetering my friend.
we can disagree on UHC, Gun rights, et al, but it's very easy to glam onto the mob of your tribe... think for yourself my friend.
link to quotes.
so you believe, that the one instance of proud boy racist douches inciting violence in one blm protest means every blm protest that ended up in rioting and looting was due to racists POEing protests?
you know better. come on.
fair elections will come down to 2fa and qr codes. but democrats think black people are too fucking stupid to even get an ID.
I am glad it's over, I am saddened by whats replaced it, straight up fascism, scapegoating and acceptance that diverging views is grounds for marginalizing half the country.
I have ALWAYS been informed.
so you think when I think people who would cheer me being sent to a concentration, or re-education camp thinks I am a laughing stock is laughing at me I would care? I don't value this sort of mindset and you can laugh all you want. but bring the violence you all are suddenly seemingly to be supporting don't cry foul when one capable and comfortable with violence brings violence to those who are not yet cheer for it.
we are at a crossroads. there is brinkmanship here, both sides need to dial it back before those comfortable with violence thinks violence is needed.
Would you support putting trump people in concentration camps?
Would you support putting trump people in concentration camps?
very simple question that a few years ago would not even be remotely a legitimate question.
but now one must ask.
no but I support putting all trump people in Texas and Oklahoma
obama built the cages and you never said a word. your care for brown people ends when they no longer server your democrat and your fascist goals.
watch as you all drop blm as a major issue now that biden won.
HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live in Texas...not that...we have enough already. too much, even.
I live in CA, say hello to my neighbors when they arrive, going to Austin I think
austin is anti trump.