Wouldn't it be awesome...

Aww does it hurt poor little conservative bigots feelings when they get called out for being racist? Aaaawww.
Try not to stain that pretty white hood with tears. LOL

I've noticed that you're to big of a coward to confront LV, TT, and BAC about their own bigotry; but then, you're more then likely just another self-loathing white guy.

Well. I believe it's safe to assume that you have exceeded your limit. I mean, seriously. using the race card in a discussion about using the race card too much? You just can't make this shit up. Lololol!
Oh cry me a river. I have no sympathy for bigots when they get called out on it.
I've noticed that you're to big of a coward to confront LV, TT, and BAC about their own bigotry; but then, you're more then likely just another self-loathing white guy.

Who is LV? you apparently haven’t paid attention to my conversation with TT and BAC is my cuz. That love is unconditional. No one stirs up redneck comedy like BAC does. I have too great a sense of humor to be self loathing though I would admit to being a pretentious, sometimes pedantic, fairly arrogant pseudo intellectual horses ass who loves laughing at butthurt partisans as I have heartily been doing at both sides during the Kav nomination.

In fact I may vote for Trump in 2020 as no politician has ever made me laugh as hard as he does.
I've noticed that you're to big of a coward to confront LV, TT, and BAC about their own bigotry; but then, you're more then likely just another self-loathing white guy.


Who is LV? you apparently haven’t paid attention to my conversation with TT and BAC is my cuz. That love is unconditional. No one stirs up redneck comedy like BAC does. I have too great a sense of humor to be self loathing though I would admit to being a pretentious, sometimes pedantic, fairly arrogant pseudo intellectual horses ass who loves laughing at butthurt partisans as I have heartily been doing at both sides during the Kav nomination.

In fact I may vote for Trump in 2020 as no politician has ever made me laugh as hard as he does.

So you haven't been paying attention; because if you had you would recognize that LV was a reference to LV426.

And thanks for admitting that race baiting is now comedy.

I'll remember that, the next time you get your panties in a bunch over some one else's post. :laugh:

At least you've got the pretentious, pedantic, fairly arrogant pseudo intellectual horses ass, part right. :good4u:
And thanks for admitting that race baiting is now comedy.

Race baiting is only comedy if you're an Ohio beta-male who is so far gone that you don't think you should criticize a guy who has "black" in his user name even though deep down you know he's a white guy in his mom's basement.

Kind of the same principle as your Pascal sig.
Why are you crackas so afraid of speaking about race? and your kind being a minority. Long gone are the days where your kind can get away with your racist narratives and playing innocent

Why are niggers so afraid to speak truthfully about race instead of automatically blaming white people for their inherent failures?