wow Darla has the cutest voice ever

Sure it does. At the cellular level it most certainly reproduces. There is no argument that a zygote is alive. There is complete consensus on this. What there is not scientific consensus on is it a life form. Is it the beginning of a human life or dog life or whale life, etc, there is no scientific consensus on. That a zygote is alive there is no argument.
This is the semantics part. Moot.
Again you spin and move the goal posts? LMAO... yeah, tell me again who 'lost'

You are attempting to move the goal posts. It is not viable and cannot sustain its life. Outside the mother this impairment is not temporary. It is dead just like the brain dead.

You lost.
That is complete bullshit. If two humans mate, it is the beginning of a human life. They are not going to go to their doctors to find out they are having a dog or a whale.

You really should not call yourself a scientist if you are going to spout such nonsense.
I don't know if I would say it's "bullshit" and it's not what I'm spouting. I'm pointing out a fact that there is no scientific consensus as to at what exact moment in time or development that a life form (e.g. human life) begins. I'm just one biologist. I can't speak for all of them.
No he's not completely wrong. He's just not differentiating that which is alive from a life form or the beginning of a life form such as a human life. He is correct there. There is no scientific consensus as to when, for example, a human life begins. In biology the beginning of human life is viewed more as a process than beginning at some specified moment.

No... he is diverting from actual hard science to soft science. Going from genetics/biology to philosophy. Of course it is a process... but it does have an origin as well. It is not perpetual throughout time unless you get into the PHILISOPHICAL aspect. The unique human dna sequence does not exist prior to fertilization of the egg cell. Upon fertilization, the process begins. Within 12 hours the process of the development of the unique human dna sequence forming is complete.
Except those are not variables as to when life begins. When the egg is fertilized by the sperm cell, the dna coding of a unique human life forms.

If a fertilized egg does not implant, it will die. Cease to live. At no point between fertilization and implantation does it cease to exist or die. Same thing for miscarriages. That is DEATH.

The process of fertilization is irrelevant in terms of time, because no matter the time it takes for fertilization to occur, the DNA does not combine until fertilized. Thus the unique human life does not form until the fertilization process is complete.

Again... you are using the term 'human life' in the philosophical manner, not in the scientific. There is a huge difference.

Are you an MD or a glorified bookkeeper? Just as I thought a bookkeeper, so shut the fuck up about human biology. Parroting Rush Limbagh is not debating Simplefreak.
I don't know if I would say it's "bullshit" and it's not what I'm spouting. I'm pointing out a fact that there is no scientific consensus as to at what exact moment in time or development that a life form (e.g. human life) begins. I'm just one biologist. I can't speak for all of them.

and again... when you say that are you drifting into the soft science side of it? The philosophical? Or are you actually stating that as a biologist you don't know when the unique human life forms... genetically speaking?
Are you an MD or a glorified bookkeeper? Just as I thought a bookkeeper, so shut the fuck up about human biology. Parroting Rush Limbagh is not debating Simplefreak.

Is that your answer to everything you don't understand? Blame Rush limbaugh?

LMAO... you can bow out of the conversation at any time moron.
Is that your answer to everything you don't understand? Blame Rush limbaugh?

LMAO... you can bow out of the conversation at any time moron.

I understand that you have no proof whatsoever of your claims, yet you stand by them on blind faith alone, like one of the board's many right wing faux christians, but since you are not a faux christian, you are clearly parroting someone, because you sure as fuck didn't come up with this argument on your own.
The real question is why your partisanship drives you to such idiocy.
Yes but the fetus is still alive. There's no argument about that. The question is there a scientific consensus that it is a life form. The answer would be no.

Taken out of the mother prior to viability there is a scientific consensus that it is dead. That's a big part of the reason why there is no consensus on whether it is a life form.
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No it is not semantics. Please explain to me how a zygote is not alive? It is very much alive at the cellular level. Is it a life? On that there is no scientific consensus.

Damnit Mott you are such a dweeb sometimes. The questions isn't whether a zygote is living or not, and you know it.
Sure it does. At the cellular level it most certainly reproduces. There is no argument that a zygote is alive. There is complete consensus on this. What there is not scientific consensus on is it a life form. Is it the beginning of a human life or dog life or whale life, etc, there is no scientific consensus on. That a zygote is alive there is no argument.

That is not what they mean by the condition that it be capable of reproducing. But it can't reproduce other humans. It can only reproduce other cells. One could use that to argue that it is then not yet human, but I would not because the whole line implies that life does not begin until puberty or much much later for grind.
I understand that you have no proof whatsoever of your claims, yet you stand by them on blind faith alone, like one of the board's many right wing faux christians, but since you are not a faux christian, you are clearly parroting someone, because you sure as fuck didn't come up with this argument on your own.
The real question is why your partisanship drives you to such idiocy.

1) I am agnostic... my position is based on genetics, not on religion
2) I do have proof... it is called genetics. Notice no one disputes that the fetus is a unique human life form due to its DNA sequencing? That is because it is a genetic FACT.
and again... when you say that are you drifting into the soft science side of it? The philosophical? Or are you actually stating that as a biologist you don't know when the unique human life forms... genetically speaking?
Yes....that's what I am saying. It's not as simple as you think to make that determination. A lot of genetic variation occurs in this process of which some estimated 70% of it isn't viable. If a nonviable fertilization results in a zygote that has 24 chromosomal pairs is that human? Is that human life? As a biologist I can't answer that question. So to say that a human life has begun at fertilization is difficult to say. It might be and it might not be. That is why there is no consensus in regards to it being "a human life". There is no argument though that the resulting tissue is alive.
No, you misrepresented your source.
No I have not misrepresented my source. You are simply not understanding what I am saying. You are arguing on identifying the beginning of a specific life form at fertilization for which there is no scientific consensus. I am in complete agreement there.

Now pay attention here. I am saying that at the end of a successful fertilization process and "THE BEGINNING" of development that this tissue is ALIVE. That's an undisputed fact. Something has began which is alive. There is broad, near universal, consensus here. Do you dispute that a zygote is alive when it meets all the conditions of being "alive" referenced from my source?
1) I am agnostic... my position is based on genetics, not on religion
2) I do have proof... it is called genetics. Notice no one disputes that the fetus is a unique human life form due to its DNA sequencing? That is because it is a genetic FACT.
Well the genetic argument is true if the resulting fertilization results in a normal human diploid pairing of 23 chromosomes. The problem is that only happens in a minority of fertilizations. Then after fertilization embryonic DNA can change based on the mothers diet or illness. When these changes occur and they are non viable is that a human life? To complicate it further what if the genetics of the resulting zygote are normal but the zygote is not viable for embryological reasons, is that a human life? I can't give you a definite yes or no answer.
Damnit Mott you are such a dweeb sometimes. The questions isn't whether a zygote is living or not, and you know it.

it's not hard to be specific when talking about something. if you want to say "personhood" or "human being", then say those things. Otherwise you muddy the waters or sound ignorant. a zygote is life. a fetus is life. period.