Wow, finally got Chinese disease

Hence the reason for the vaccine.

It is not a vaccine, it is a therapeutic, and according to Geert Vanden Bossche very shortly many who tool the fake vaccines after extensive lying from the experts will regret it, as it will be mostly the jabbed who die. We wrecked our immune system he believes.
I think his point is that the effects/symptoms vary from time to time. With new variants developing, they may or may not be better or worse. It is unknown as with any new strain.

I'm in I don't give a shit category.

Same here except when I get the covid again. Then fuck that because I cannot taste and drink beer for 24 hours!

Well, I got lucky then because Chinese Disease made beer taste better! Do you think there's actually like a devil who concocted that to make me drink more of it? Or, maybe it's an evil corporate experiment to sell more of their products? :thinking:
What an underwhelming let down that was!

The wife caught it last week and I came down with symptoms on Sunday. The only notable one was chills. Oddly, if I downed a slug of Nyquil or Dayquil that stopped and I had a slight fever instead. No coughing, no massive snot runny nose, nada, nothing zip-point-shit. I noticed my sense of taste improved, of food and stuff not fashion. That part still blows. Overall, win!
Well, it's Tuesday and I don't have any noticeable symptoms now so I guess that's finished.

I've had worse colds than that bullshit. Don't know what all the hoopla was about. It was barely annoying. Must be like everything else made in China, a cheap knockoff of the real thing that falls apart the second you use it...

I've had it at least twice, and vaccinated five times.
The sarcasm warning is missing?

Hey it is what it is. My wife was (until she retired very recently) in the healthcare field (for elderly and frail patients) and was required by her employer to be vaccinated. I'm no fool and did it too to keep her from getting it from me.
I've had it at least twice, and vaccinated five times.

I never bothered with a vaccination, got it once--now-- and that case was a joke. I've had worse colds. I've never bothered with a mask, don't social distance, and really on the whole don't give a fuck about what idiots like the CDC tell me I should do. Yea, if I get shit on my hand wiping my ass I'll wash them but I by no means is some clean freak that has to wash my hands ever goddamned time I wipe my nose or something.
I never bothered with a vaccination, got it once--now-- and that case was a joke. I've had worse colds. I've never bothered with a mask, don't social distance, and really on the whole don't give a fuck about what idiots like the CDC tell me I should do. Yea, if I get shit on my hand wiping my ass I'll wash them but I by no means is some clean freak that has to wash my hands ever goddamned time I wipe my nose or something.

The first time I got it was the November before this whole thing started. We flew to Scotland with our daughter, and my wife developed respiratory symptoms that she never had before on day 3. My daughter caught it the day we were leaving (7), then me a couple days after we got back. This was before any testing but the symptoms were definitely Covid.

The second time was on a trip back from Spain. We had to test negative within 24 hours of the flight (by their law) and wear masks on the plane. The guy sitting next to me was coughing the entire flight, so I got it about two days after that. So much for the mandatory testing. I tested positive for the first time.

Not a big deal for me either time. Mostly just inability to concentrate, so couldn't do work for fear of making a mistake.
Mine was BORING!

I had it twice. Never knew I had the strain that killed most everyone according to Fauci, until I voluntarily tested for the antibodies Lon ever symptoms were gone.
The second time, after being fully vaxed, I had a slight cough and was detained against my will in Bethel, AK where there is no way to escape other than AK Airlines.
I got a plane ticket, wore an overcoat, sunglasses and a hat and snuck on the plane infected for the one hour flight back to the safety of anchorage.
What an underwhelming let down that was!

The wife caught it last week and I came down with symptoms on Sunday. The only notable one was chills. Oddly, if I downed a slug of Nyquil or Dayquil that stopped and I had a slight fever instead. No coughing, no massive snot runny nose, nada, nothing zip-point-shit. I noticed my sense of taste improved, of food and stuff not fashion. That part still blows. Overall, win!
Well, it's Tuesday and I don't have any noticeable symptoms now so I guess that's finished.

I've had worse colds than that bullshit. Don't know what all the hoopla was about. It was barely annoying. Must be like everything else made in China, a cheap knockoff of the real thing that falls apart the second you use it...

My wife got cold symptoms week before a positive result. She had symptoms for two-three days and then tested negative. She and I both had initial shots, booster, second booster, and Omicron booster.

Day after her symptoms, I showed symptoms...tested...and got a positive result. I had symptoms for the rest of the day. Next day everything was back to normal.

Wonder why so many pretended to die back when it first started. Probably did that to show this was just a left-wing hoax. Wonder why so many MAGA jerks who refused inoculation pretended to die later on in the pandemic...while the rate for those inoculated was lower.

I also wonder if the combined IQ of all the MAGA (are they known as maggots?) is higher than the IQ of an asparagus stalk.
What an underwhelming let down that was!

The wife caught it last week and I came down with symptoms on Sunday. The only notable one was chills. Oddly, if I downed a slug of Nyquil or Dayquil that stopped and I had a slight fever instead. No coughing, no massive snot runny nose, nada, nothing zip-point-shit. I noticed my sense of taste improved, of food and stuff not fashion. That part still blows. Overall, win!
Well, it's Tuesday and I don't have any noticeable symptoms now so I guess that's finished.

I've had worse colds than that bullshit. Don't know what all the hoopla was about. It was barely annoying. Must be like everything else made in China, a cheap knockoff of the real thing that falls apart the second you use it...

Now you can start working on better fashion choices.