Wow. It's been quiet today...

We thought my grandmother on my dad's side had pancreatic cancer last weekend. I got a call this week saying it was only pancreaitis.
We thought my grandmother on my dad's side had pancreatic cancer last weekend. I got a call this week saying it was only pancreaitis.

mine on my moms side has it all over and terminal. Probably a matter of days - weeks.
I have been busy this week. Just bured a good friend and WW2 vet.

I'm sorry, usc. I'll be going to a funeral tomorrow for a good friend. As you said it's part of the cycle of life, but a lot of people are going to miss this guy a lot. He enriched us all with his kindness, his enthusiasm, his encouragement ... It would be a good thing for each of us to be remembered in the way that he will be.
I know! I guess it looks similar on an MRI? Thorn you know anything about that? The doctors said it was one of the only cases like that they have seen. I guess the infection spread a lot to other organs.

I don't know. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with cancer again.
God knows which of us will get cancer. According to how some believe, God creates cancer. And he apparently does not care.
I know! I guess it looks similar on an MRI? Thorn you know anything about that? The doctors said it was one of the only cases like that they have seen. I guess the infection spread a lot to other organs.

I don't know. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with cancer again.

I'm not sure about the appearance on an MRI; that's beyond my expertise. Pancreatitis is terribly, horrendously painful, though, and is something that medical staff try to eliminate as a possibility before diagnosing a condition as pancreatic cancer. That has pretty much a 100% fatality rate; it's a horrible condition. I'm so glad that your gm's problem was the "itis" (inflammation), which may recur but is controllable or curable, definitely treatable!
I'm not sure about the appearance on an MRI; that's beyond my expertise. Pancreatitis is terribly, horrendously painful, though, and is something that medical staff try to eliminate as a possibility before diagnosing a condition as pancreatic cancer. That has pretty much a 100% fatality rate; it's a horrible condition. I'm so glad that your gm's problem was the "itis" (inflammation), which may recur but is controllable or curable, definitely treatable!

I was getting very nervous. it would have been two family members on both sides if it wasn't the itis. What can you do to prevent it? Please don't say excercise eat right and cut down on drinking.
I was getting very nervous. it would have been two family members on both sides if it wasn't the itis. What can you do to prevent it? Please don't say excercise eat right and cut down on drinking.

Well if you put it that way ... Just a couple of years ago it was thought that excessive coffee drinking could lead to pancreatic cancer, but that was debunked. Whew! Definitely living a healthy lifestyle will reduce the risks of cancer developing; keeping your immune system healthy will also help.

One of the reasons I finally quit smoking (13 years ago, already!) was a Scientific American article on smoking and cancer. The authors explained that independently of the carcinogenic effects of smoking, it suppresses the immune system and thus has a permissive effect on the development and growth of other cancers. I hardly smoked at all by that time, but decided that nevertheless I'd pushed my luck long enough. That could apply to most such risky practices, I think.

Exercise will also have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, digestion, etc., etc.