Wow. It's been quiet today...

Well if you put it that way ... Just a couple of years ago it was thought that excessive coffee drinking could lead to pancreatic cancer, but that was debunked. Whew! Definitely living a healthy lifestyle will reduce the risks of cancer developing; keeping your immune system healthy will also help.

One of the reasons I finally quit smoking (13 years ago, already!) was a Scientific American article on smoking and cancer. The authors explained that independently of the carcinogenic effects of smoking, it suppresses the immune system and thus has a permissive effect on the development and growth of other cancers. I hardly smoked at all by that time, but decided that nevertheless I'd pushed my luck long enough. That could apply to most such risky practices, I think.

Exercise will also have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, digestion, etc., etc.

You know, they say that, but my friend who had cancer last year was the epitome of a health nut. Aerobics instructor, ate lots of veggies, reasonable alcohol intake, she did smoke in high school though.

Each year about 37,680 individuals in the United States are diagnosed with this condition, and 34,290 die from the disease.

That's pretty bad.
I know! I guess it looks similar on an MRI? Thorn you know anything about that? The doctors said it was one of the only cases like that they have seen. I guess the infection spread a lot to other organs.

I don't know. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with cancer again.

You had cancer?
You know, they say that, but my friend who had cancer last year was the epitome of a health nut. Aerobics instructor, ate lots of veggies, reasonable alcohol intake, she did smoke in high school though.

no one ever said that being healthy eliminates the possibility of having cancer, just decreases it.
And my point was that even when you do those things there's never a gauarantee.

That's true. But then -- remember my friend who had terminal (we thought) lung cancer? She's over 7 years cancer free now. She's a vegetarian, quit smoking long ago and drinks just a bit of wine now and then. There was some suggestion that vegetarians do tend to recover better from bouts with cancer. Because even her doctors thought she had three weeks at the outside, they were baffled at her recovery. Her friends were just very happy.

Of course there are never any guarantees, but a healthy lifestyle will inevitably enhance one's quality of life and help the body deal with all sorts of things more successfully. I'm now running my tush off (hopefully literally) around a dog agility course on a regular basis and already can feel the benefits. My dog loves it, too! :)
That's true. But then -- remember my friend who had terminal (we thought) lung cancer? She's over 7 years cancer free now. She's a vegetarian, quit smoking long ago and drinks just a bit of wine now and then. There was some suggestion that vegetarians do tend to recover better from bouts with cancer. Because even her doctors thought she had three weeks at the outside, they were baffled at her recovery. Her friends were just very happy.

Of course there are never any guarantees, but a healthy lifestyle will inevitably enhance one's quality of life and help the body deal with all sorts of things more successfully. I'm now running my tush off (hopefully literally) around a dog agility course on a regular basis and already can feel the benefits. My dog loves it, too! :)

yeah, I've read some stuff about that.

I like meat too much to give it up though. Especially if my boyfriend (Grind) is a meateater.
That's true. But then -- remember my friend who had terminal (we thought) lung cancer? She's over 7 years cancer free now. She's a vegetarian, quit smoking long ago and drinks just a bit of wine now and then. There was some suggestion that vegetarians do tend to recover better from bouts with cancer. Because even her doctors thought she had three weeks at the outside, they were baffled at her recovery. Her friends were just very happy.

Of course there are never any guarantees, but a healthy lifestyle will inevitably enhance one's quality of life and help the body deal with all sorts of things more successfully. I'm now running my tush off (hopefully literally) around a dog agility course on a regular basis and already can feel the benefits. My dog loves it, too! :)

I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian. Haven't sat down and planned it out though. I know it's not healthy to just stop eating meat and just grab whatever fruits you have around.
I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian. Haven't sat down and planned it out though. I know it's not healthy to just stop eating meat and just grab whatever fruits you have around.

No it isn't. You have to plan your meals well in order to get all the nutrients, and the right protein balance, that you need. We eat very little red meat but do have lots of chicken and fish.
I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian. Haven't sat down and planned it out though. I know it's not healthy to just stop eating meat and just grab whatever fruits you have around.

become a pescatarian.

Only eat fish!