wow.....Kasich....maybe Trump and Cruz should jump on his bandwagon......

I did f up the numbers. It says Clinton 46.7 and Cruz 43.8 for a 2.9 lead for Clinton.

I have no idea why you are cherry picking the Fox News poll. The RCP poll is an average of all their listed polls.

dumbfuck.......I pointed out the Fox News poll because it showed Kasich beating Clinton by double digits......did you even read the OP?......
dumbfuck.......I pointed out the Fox News poll because it showed Kasich beating Clinton by double digits......did you even read the OP?......

Not sure why you are cussing at me. I saw your OP. You later claimed RCP showed Cruz beating Clinton. That is not the case and I gave you the numbers.
Good lord. National polls don't mean squat. Cruz could win 99% of the vote in the Southern States and he would still lose. It's questionable that even if the POTUS election was based on the popular vote that the polls are representative but they aren't.

Based on State polling Clinton starts off with a 40 EV lead on Trump. Trump would have to have nearly a clean sweep in the swing States to beat her. Assuming her campaign doesn't implode that's highly unlikely. Cruz, on the other hand, would be start out with nearly a 100 EV deficit.

Which means the odds makers are pretty much spot on with Clinton having a 3:1 advantage on Trump and nearly 8 to one on Cruz.

So the down side for the GOP is that Clinton is very likely to win and Trump or Cruz will bring down the Senate and house too. The GOP has a real good chance of losing the Senate.

The good news is that in four years, unless the GOP pulls another disconnected plutocrat or a Trump or a Cruz out of its ass, Clinton will probably be a one term President.

If Cruz pulls off the nomination, many voters will be so relieved to have a Not Trump or Hillary option, that they will consider voting for him, rather than the current plan of abstaining or voting third-party.
Not sure why you are cussing at me. I saw your OP. You later claimed RCP showed Cruz beating Clinton. That is not the case and I gave you the numbers.

because you're the one making a fool of himself.......RCP DID show Cruz beating Clinton at the link I I said...
no.....the same poll that has Kasich up 11 points up on Clinton has Cruz up on her by three points.....

now stop acting like a dumbfuck give conservatives a bad rep......
because you're the one making a fool of himself.......RCP DID show Cruz beating Clinton at the link I I said...

now stop acting like a dumbfuck give conservatives a bad rep......

El Oh El.

So you post a poll from RCP but we are suppose to know you want to cherry pick only the Fox News Poll among the multiple polls presented as if we can't see the other polls.

I appreciate your true feelings coming out however and that you are making a Desh level argument here.
These are the numbers from the RCP poll.

RCP Average 3/16 - 3/22 -- -- 46.7 43.8 Clinton +2.9

Since we have to speak to you on a Desh level now are you unaware of how RCP arrives at it's numbers? The numbers above are the RCP numbers. You cherry picked one of the multiple polls they use to achieve their number.
El Oh El.

So you post a poll from RCP but we are suppose to know you want to cherry pick only the Fox News Poll among the multiple polls presented as if we can't see the other polls.
so you're saying that when I specifically mentioned the poll you couldn't figure out the one I referred to as stating he was three points ahead was probably the one on the page I linked to that had him three points ahead........seriously, this is too complicated for you to figure out without help?'re making Desh sound like Einstein.....
Since we have to speak to you on a Desh level now are you unaware of how RCP arrives at it's numbers? The numbers above are the RCP numbers. You cherry picked one of the multiple polls they use to achieve their number.

you asked me where I found it......I linked you to the page where I found it......its not my fault you weren't able to see anything on the page except the average.......get Desh to explain it to you next time......
you asked me where I found it......I linked you to the page where I found it......its not my fault you weren't able to see anything on the page except the average.......get Desh to explain it to you next time......

It's like when Trump claims he's beating Hillary in the polls. Yeah, like in three out of 100 of them. So he can point to one poll and say "see, I'm beating her." But that's asking us to ignore all others.

We can see all the other polls that are listed here. So yes you can point to the Fox News poll specifically but you're asking us to ignore all other information that's right in front of us showing something different.
It's like when Trump claims he's beating Hillary in the polls. Yeah, like in three out of 100 of them. So he can point to one poll and say "see, I'm beating her." But that's asking us to ignore all others.

We can see all the other polls that are listed here. So yes you can point to the Fox News poll specifically but you're asking us to ignore all other information that's right in front of us showing something different.

????.....why are you ignoring the fact that from January 1, 2016 until March 20, 2016, the RCP average had Cruz beating Hillary every day?........