WRL and Dixie Logic


Willie and Dixie Logic

Speaking out against Bush and his Cluster Fuck of a War defines ideology..

Me and Chuck Hagel are liberals .....

I guess Ronald Reagan was a liberal.. considering his methodology on dealing with the Evil Empire of the 80's... the power of Negotiation.... rather than actually igniting bombs and sending Children off to War .....
Klaatu, I have no problem with people who 'speak out' against this, or any war. I think it is understandable to have such a view, especially when you see no rationale for the opposing viewpoint. This is the case with most of those who oppose this war, they simply fail to see or realize the other point of view, and have constructed a great illusion of reality to continue misunderstanding the points. Once you have started down this road, it is impossible to bring you back, nothing I can say is going to suddenly make you or Chuck Hagel feel better about Iraq. Yet, this is precisely what you clamor for.

Repeatedly, I have asked you and others who oppose this war, what we should do, and I am constantly answered with the same resounding idiocy, we should just walk away and abandon our objectives. We should accept defeat and tell the world that we will no longer try to effect a change in the middle east or secure peace there, that it is pointless and useless for us to even try, much less to expect democracy to counter ideological terror. To me, this is a defeatist strategy that will never work to effect any positive change in the middle east. If you and Chuck Hagel can demonstrate how I am wrong, feel free to start doing that at any time, but so far, all you have proposed is that I am wrong and you have no real alternative solution.

If we leave Iraq now, all that has been sacrificed will have been for absolutely nothing, and the radical factions of Islam we fear the most, will fill the void left in the vacuum, of this, there is no doubt. When that happens, there is also little doubt that the opponents of Iraq will adopt the Laurel and Hardy line... Here's another fine mess you've gotten us into! Ironically, if we capitulate to your anti-war viewpoint, the result will be thrown right back in our face and the blame will be laid at our feet, when Iraq collapses to radical extremists.

It is for this reason, and nothing to do with Bush, that I completely oppose Hagel and you, and any other idiot out there who wants to withdraw from Iraq and come home, abandoning completely, the mission and objectives we embarked upon. It's all good and well to have a debate over why we went into Iraq, Bush's rationale and reasons, and we can even discuss the various evil neocon plots and conspiracies, but the overriding and overwhelming fact remains, we have already made the determination to go to war in Iraq, that debate has already happened and we are in the middle of that war now, so debating whether or not it was right for us to do it, is kind of pointless at this time. The debate begins, what should we do now? Your answer is predicated on your view of the previous debate, which makes it inherently flawed. In order for it to be correct, we would have to go back in time to before Iraq, then your argument has validity in logic and rationale.

The Hagel/Klaatu argument for Iraq, is like a family driving across country from New York to California, and along about Colorado, the woman begins to argue that the trip will take too long, and they should go home. It defies logic and any sort of rational reasoning, unless you base it on the non-realistic premise of the previous debate, when the family sat together in the living room and decided to drive across country last summer. It simply does not matter that you and Chuck Hagel don't agree with Bush's policy on Iraq at this point. It is what it is, and you can't change it and go back in time.

Having great hindsight is not a sign of great leadership. You make great hindsight arguments for why we shouldn't be in Iraq, why it was a bad idea, why we should have done something else, but these are made in hindsight, and anyone is capable of doing that. Leaders don't have the luxury of hindsight, they have to lead the way with no hindsight to guide them because it doesn't exist yet.
what a liar. I have, on occasions more numerous to mention, given you a much more comprehensive suggested alternative to our current course of action. For you to say "Repeatedly, I have asked you and others who oppose this war, what we should do, and I am constantly answered with the same resounding idiocy, we should just walk away and abandon our objectives." is yet another example of your total lack of ethics or integrity. That is a flat our lie.... from the king of slander and lies. .... why am I not surprised?
Willie and Dixie Logic

Speaking out against Bush and his Cluster Fuck of a War defines ideology..

Me and Chuck Hagel are liberals .....

I guess Ronald Reagan was a liberal.. considering his methodology on dealing with the Evil Empire of the 80's... the power of Negotiation.... rather than actually igniting bombs and sending Children off to War .....
Wanking Retarded Loser has been posting here? Damn! I missed it. :mad:
I gave you many times a specific strategy to get us out of there quickly without "cutting and running".

Now Bush is attempting to look like he is using that strategy, but only doing it half-assed and very late in the game. 20,000 new troops...
I gave you many times a specific strategy to get us out of there quickly without "cutting and running".

Oh, I can give a strategy to get us out quickly without cutting and running as well, but then we would have to worry with the radioactive oil hole in the desert over there, so every strategy has consequence. The fact that you gave a strategy on a message board, and the administration didn't follow your advice, is no reason to abandon logic and common sense. It doesn't justify abandoning what we set out to do, which was to overthrow the regime and replace it with a functional democratic government.

You act like a spoiled 10-year-old cry baby, since they didn't do things your way, you are going to get mad and pitch a fit now. This is not a video game or reality TV show, you can't just get pissed off and quit because it's not what you like or what you wanted. Our options in Iraq are fairly black and white, we can leave or stay, and there are pros AND cons to both. I don't see how leaving bodes well for the Iraqi people, or the middle east. Perhaps you can explain that to me, because I just don't see that being the case, and neither have any of the various analysts who've evaluated it. Baker-Hamilton concluded Iraq would most certainly collapse to radical elements inside the country, so what do you want to do? Give it to them?
DIXIE: Baker-Hamilton concluded Iraq would most certainly collapse to radical elements inside the country

Baker Hamilton said we should have all our combat troops out by 2008.

would most certainly collapse to radical elements inside the country, so what do you want to do? Give it to them?

You spent the first three years of your war claiming that the insurgency consisted of only a few hundred, or a few thousand “dead enders” with little to no support across Iraq at large. And you consistently trumpeted administration claims of 200,000 “trained” Iraqi security forces. 200,000 should be able to easily hold their own against a few thousand dead enders if you had been telling the truth.

But, anyway thanks for admitting you were lying for the past three years
You spent the first three years of your war claiming that the insurgency consisted of only a few hundred, or a few thousand “dead enders” with little to no support across Iraq at large. And you consistently trumpeted administration claims of 200,000 “trained” Iraqi security forces. 200,000 should be able to easily hold their own against a few thousand dead enders if you had been telling the truth.

And I still maintain the vast and overwhelming majority of Iraq is not part or party to this insurgency, it is an extremely isolated element. They have no military or infrastructure, they control no territory or portion of Iraq, and aside from terrorism attacks, they have been unable to mount any sort of 'military' initiative against our forces. One can assume that 200,000 inexperienced Iraqi security forces could handle this isolated element, but it only took 19 dead enders with box cutters to bring our whole world down on 9/11.... so, you don't score any points in that assumption.
DIXIE: ...would most certainly collapse to radical elements inside the country, so what do you want to do? Give it to them?

This doesn't comport with what you were saying nearly a year ago:

DIXIE, Spring 2006: "(Zarqawi's death) spells the end for alQaeda in Iraq. There have been dozens of captures and arrests made since the discovery of the documents, we frikin hit the mother-load on information, and the "insurgency" is about to meet its demise. Another bad day for Pinheads! ...".
I realize what I said a year ago, and you will note, we don't hear of 142 soldiers dying in 10-12 car bombings a week anymore, we hear of 1 soldier or 2, in a couple of attacks. These roadside bombs have diminished considerably since Zarqawi's exit from the stage, but you haven't noticed because you haven't had time, you are too busy ferreting out propaganda to run post on a message board, to keep your lies going.
I realize what I said a year ago, and you will note, we don't hear of 142 soldiers dying in 10-12 car bombings a week anymore, we hear of 1 soldier or 2, in a couple of attacks. These roadside bombs have diminished considerably since Zarqawi's exit from the stage, but you haven't noticed because you haven't had time, you are too busy ferreting out propaganda to run post on a message board, to keep your lies going.

So, a serviceman's death is only noteworthy it if is with a roadside bomb?

How many more American families should lose husbands, fathers, sons and daughters before you think it is enough?

Give me a figure. Things are as bad now as they've ever been. We're losing a dozen guys in a good week. How many families should go through this before you can attest to their loss?

We're in a goddamned war over there Dix. Its ugly, and its been royally fucked up by you babe in blue jeans. What would it take for you to see things for what they are.

Would you be happy if your daughter(s) decided to enlist to fight the Civil war for people who all want us dead?
DIXIE: I realize what I said a year ago, and you will note, we don't hear of 142 soldiers dying in 10-12 car bombings a week anymore, we hear of 1 soldier or 2, in a couple of attacks.

It's not neccessary for you to lie, or make up statistics out of thin air.

U.S causualities INCREASED for the six months following Zaraqawi's death, compared to the six months before his death

-January to June 2006: 354 dead american soldiers.


-July to December 2006: 467 dead american soldiers.

I gave you many times a specific strategy to get us out of there quickly without "cutting and running".

Oh, I can give a strategy to get us out quickly without cutting and running as well, but then we would have to worry with the radioactive oil hole in the desert over there, so every strategy has consequence. The fact that you gave a strategy on a message board, and the administration didn't follow your advice, is no reason to abandon logic and common sense. It doesn't justify abandoning what we set out to do, which was to overthrow the regime and replace it with a functional democratic government.

You act like a spoiled 10-year-old cry baby, since they didn't do things your way, you are going to get mad and pitch a fit now. This is not a video game or reality TV show, you can't just get pissed off and quit because it's not what you like or what you wanted. Our options in Iraq are fairly black and white, we can leave or stay, and there are pros AND cons to both. I don't see how leaving bodes well for the Iraqi people, or the middle east. Perhaps you can explain that to me, because I just don't see that being the case, and neither have any of the various analysts who've evaluated it. Baker-Hamilton concluded Iraq would most certainly collapse to radical elements inside the country, so what do you want to do? Give it to them?
I act like none of that. Give me an example.

That they just now begin to follow my advice, but poorly, only underlines the fact that it was good advice. It can work and it can actually get the objective done and us out.

You however have only given me, stay the course, follow the leadership, don't complain...
I act like none of that. Give me an example.

"Now Bush is attempting [whine] to look like [moan] he is using that strategy, but only doing it half-assed [bitch] and very late in the game. [complain] 20,000 new troops...[whine]" --Damo

In between the whining, moaning, bitching, and complaining, you state that Bush is doing precisely what you suggested. I don't get what Bush did to you people, I really don't, I could understand the animosity if he had personally insulted your mother or took a whiz in your corn flakes, but the man does exactly what you think he should do, and you still find ways to articulate your hate and revile for him, I don't get that.
So, a serviceman's death is only noteworthy it if is with a roadside bomb?

Gee, I don't see that statement, could you have misinterpreted my words?

Since you waived the rest of my post (as per usual, you hate it when people talk about your beloved war in human terms), I will respond to you in terms you may or may not understand.

You are painting a rosy picture of this war. You are willing to send more and more of our mens lives, arms, legs, eyes and futures to their demise for this war, and decide that this is a good thing.

If you think that we are only losing 1-2 soldiers a week, or that that's a cheap enough price (as much of a lie as it is, we're losing much more than that, thanks to your ilk), and that what we are doing in Iraq is virtuous and good and worth the blood , then what more is there to say.

A rose is a rose Dix. And this is one flower you planted, turned into a monster and now continue to feed.

Forgive me Dix, but I can't find that silver lining you keep promising.

Would you be happy to see a loved one of yours sent to this war? Would you?
Willie and Dixie Logic

Speaking out against Bush and his Cluster Fuck of a War defines ideology..

Me and Chuck Hagel are liberals .....

I guess Ronald Reagan was a liberal.. considering his methodology on dealing with the Evil Empire of the 80's... the power of Negotiation.... rather than actually igniting bombs and sending Children off to War .....

Ahh Grenada, Iran Contra, Nicaragua......
Sort of cowby diplomacy there too, but yes much better than the Bush Admin and the neos.
Since you waived the rest of my post (as per usual, you hate it when people talk about your beloved war in human terms), I will respond to you in terms you may or may not understand.

I'm betting on me NOT understanding.

You are painting a rosy picture of this war.

No, I am not. I have said many times, it is a war, a terrible, awful, horrific, bloody, tough war. There is nothing easy about establishing democracy in a part of the world it has never been known before. No one has ever been under the delusion this was easy or rosy in the least.

I have pointed out, from an attrition standpoint, this war probably sets records for fewest casualties of wars its length. This does not mean the people who died didn't mean anything, it simply means what it says, as wars go, we aren't losing the numbers of soldiers of past wars. We lost more American lives the first 15 minutes of Normandy, than the past two years in Iraq. We expended more lives than the entire Iraq war, trying to occupy a 4-square-mile rock in the middle of the Pacific. I am not saying things are great and wonderful in Iraq, I am merely putting Iraq into context.

You are willing to send more and more of our men's lives, arms, legs, eyes and futures to their demise for this war, and decide that this is a good thing.

I think it's a good thing we win this war, otherwise the people who have made that sacrifice have died for naught. Unless we just don't have another damn choice, I think we owe it to these brave heroes to finish the job.

If you think that we are only losing 1-2 soldiers a week, or that that's a cheap enough price (as much of a lie as it is, we're losing much more than that, thanks to your ilk), and that what we are doing in Iraq is virtuous and good and worth the blood , then what more is there to say.

I think we are losing far less in this war than any war in history. In fact, the ability of modern medicine to save lives has kept fatalities down, which has the consequence of producing more wounded, which our system is not really designed to handle. So there is a down-side to not having as many casualties, and one that we need to address. But to sit here and pretend we are in some unwinnable Vietnam-like conflict, is borderline retardation.

A rose is a rose Dix. And this is one flower you planted, turned into a monster and now continue to feed.

What the fuck are you even talking about here? You sound like Baretta!

Forgive me Dix, but I can't find that silver lining you keep promising.

Hummm.. let me scan my memory???? Don't seem to recall ever promising a silver lining. In fact, don't recall ever making YOU any promise!

Would you be happy to see a loved one of yours sent to this war? Would you?

I have several loved ones there right now! They weren't "sent" there though, they volunteered, as have all the people currently serving in the US Armed Forces. I'm sorry, but it sounds like you want me to believe it's 1968 again, and that is not reality.

The reality is, we are in the midst of a military conflict in Iraq. Like it or not, we are there, and we have a clear objective and job to finish. The Iraqi's have established a democratic government, have elected representation, have seated a parliament, and have trained military personnel. They have done so under the constant and REAL threats of death, from radical religious freaks who want to control all the people of the middle east. You are allowing your knee-jerk liberal emotionalism to tell you it's best to throw all of this away and let the radicals have Iraq! It's utterly insane what you propose, and I don't know how you people can even get the thought out of your mouths without realizing the abject stupidity of it. To abandon these people now, would not only be a totally unethical and demoralizing act toward the people of Iraq, it would enable the very element we are fighting in the war on terror, to pretty much have their way with Iraq.

The thing is, you really don't give two of your obviously massive shits about the people of Iraq! You know full well, just as every "expert" who's objectively looked at Iraq, that if we leave now, Iraq is doomed to collapse. The Plan is, when this happens, it's just more fault and blame you can heap on Bush! That is what you and the left-wing are after here, you want to be the fly in any possible ointment, you have no intentions of trying to win anything in Iraq, and if we do happen to gain something, you will refuse to acknowledge it.

You will sit here and try to convince me that I have no compassion for our soldiers, or the innocent Iraqi's who are dying in this war, yet you advocate an idea that would result in MORE death to Iraqi's, the ones who supported us in any way, are first on the list! AND to give the insurgent radical element a huge reward for their patience and persistence! Not to mention, completely nullifying the purpose and cause of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Think about that a moment, you want to take a huge Beefy sized dump on the very cause these soldiers gave their life for... their life! They are dead, in the grave, never to live life again! They made that sacrifice for what? So a bunch of knee-jerk liberals could get their fucking way, and turn Iraq over to the enemy? So some bunch of 'pseudo-conservatives' could win popularity among the idiots of the world, and join in on getting their jollies trashing the president?

I was right from the start, I don't understand. I really don't.
I realize what I said a year ago, and you will note, we don't hear of 142 soldiers dying in 10-12 car bombings a week anymore, we hear of 1 soldier or 2, in a couple of attacks. These roadside bombs have diminished considerably since Zarqawi's exit from the stage, but you haven't noticed because you haven't had time, you are too busy ferreting out propaganda to run post on a message board, to keep your lies going.

The pentagon released the names of 22 troops killed in Iraq this week. I just heard that on "This week with George Stephonopolois"