WTF does ZOMG mean?

I keep seeing pinheads posting this, and I don't get it.

What does ZOMG mean? I know, OMG means "Oh my God!" And I have heard "OMFG" which means, "Oh my fucking God!" But what the hell does ZOMG mean? "Zoh, My God?" ...New Pinhead Deity perhaps? Maybe it's "Zoey, my God!" ....Fans of 24?

yes... pronounced zoe-my-god.

in the old days internet retards would use OMG when something amazing happened. ZOMG was invented to make fun of their idiocy.

ZOMG is a more tongue in cheek version of OMG.
OMG is usually used by tards who are false outraging. ZOMG is used by wise men like myself to mock tards who use OMG too much. It's something called context Dix. Learn how to decipher it. I got the meaning of the corruption about as soon as I first saw it. The "Z" is clearly stupid and superflous and is typical of the way idiots who use OMG often mispell. When use intentionally it means you're better than everyone else.
I first saw Watermark use it, so I have always assumed it wasn't serious and is meant to be satirical. I was right, since he explained it for us. Way to go, me...
ZWTF is the point? ZLMAO, I guess sarcasm is more rampant then I thought.
ZOMG actually stands for 'Zombie of Michelle-Gellar' and refers to the multiple shite Buffy spin-offs and rip-offs that have come out since the series finished. Kind of like NAMG (Not Actually Matt Groening) which refers to the shitiness of Family Guy.
ZOMG actually stands for 'Zombie of Michelle-Gellar' and refers to the multiple shite Buffy spin-offs and rip-offs that have come out since the series finished. Kind of like NAMG (Not Actually Matt Groening) which refers to the shitiness of Family Guy.

Family Guy is better than the simpsons.
ZOMG actually stands for 'Zombie of Michelle-Gellar' and refers to the multiple shite Buffy spin-offs and rip-offs that have come out since the series finished. Kind of like NAMG (Not Actually Matt Groening) which refers to the shitiness of Family Guy.
Family Guy and House are my current favorite TV shows. The Simpsons is classic greatness, though.
OMG is usually used by tards who are false outraging. ZOMG is used by wise men like myself to mock tards who use OMG too much. It's something called context Dix. Learn how to decipher it. I got the meaning of the corruption about as soon as I first saw it. The "Z" is clearly stupid and superflous and is typical of the way idiots who use OMG often mispell. When use intentionally it means you're better than everyone else.

I think Jarod's feelings will be very hurt. He figured himself in the "smert" seats since he's a Liberal.

So sad. Too bad.