Yeap here I am as predicted, Something is fucking wrong folks!

Here’s another guy who believes that Bush won the past two elections folks. Does it get any funnier?
I think it is possible that there was chicanery. I don't think that proving something is possible is the same as proving that something happened.

I don't like machines with no paper trail. That is not the case here. If you feel the results to be fraudulent, call for recounts there is a paper trail.
I have to read these things tonight when I am home. I cannot fully concentrate on them right now. IF DH is right and the exit polling lines up, and it is just the pre-election polls that do not; there’s no case. If the exit polls are strangely out of line, that’s something I will definitely look at. That’s a big red flag to me.
My first quick impressions here:

You all appear to be discounting the known phenomenon of white people claiming publically they are going to vote for a black candidate but doing no such thing when it comes down to it.

The fact that Chapdog, who actually believes, AGAINST ALL DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE, that bush won the past two elections, would jump on this bandwagon with NO evidence yet in, shows once again that he hates Hillary Clinton, and folks, he hates her because she’s a powerful woman.

wait a second.. since when is that my stance?
They will choose Hillary and McCain for us and then McCain will win the election.

Its already desided and your input menas nothing unless you dont use machines.

Fuck ,Fuck ,Fuck damnit.

I though we had a chance to end this but it aint gonna happen. We are screwed.

Hillary and McCain....what a nightmare. The establishment candidates.

Don't give up Desh. There's a ways to go. :)
Well why the fuck didn't anyone report that it was a 2 point race for 2 days before the primary?

That would have been helpful information for voters to know.
Did you read his article? Apparently not.

He compared the results of pre-polling with the exit polls and gave reasons why his results were inaccurate.
It is interesting to think about how much polling affects elections.

Obama was a foregone conclusion; people were talking double-digits, and speculating more about the margin of victory.

Independents broke heavily for McCain yesterday. It would be easy to conclude that if many of them thought it would be close on the Dem side, that might not have been the case.
Did you read his article? Apparently not.

He compared the results of pre-polling with the exit polls and gave reasons why his results were inaccurate.

Uhh yeah I did actually, did you?

4. My polling showed Clinton doing well on the late Sunday night and all day Monday -- she was in a 2-point race in that portion of the polling. But since our methods call for a three-day rolling average, we had to legitimately factor the huge Obama numbers on Friday and Saturday -- thus his 12 point average lead. Unfortunately, one day or a day-and-a-half does not make a trend and we ran out of time.
It is interesting to think about how much polling affects elections.

Obama was a foregone conclusion; people were talking double-digits, and speculating more about the margin of victory.

Independents broke heavily for McCain yesterday. It would be easy to conclude that if many of them thought it would be close on the Dem side, that might not have been the case.

Exactly my thoughts.
Uhh yeah I did actually, did you?

4. My polling showed Clinton doing well on the late Sunday night and all day Monday -- she was in a 2-point race in that portion of the polling. But since our methods call for a three-day rolling average, we had to legitimately factor the huge Obama numbers on Friday and Saturday -- thus his 12 point average lead. Unfortunately, one day or a day-and-a-half does not make a trend and we ran out of time.
So, read the paragraph again. He gave reasons why they didn't report it. You ask questoins that were already answered? Why?
So, read the paragraph again. He gave reasons why they didn't report it. You ask questoins that were already answered? Why?

Stop being an intentional idiot.

I'm not saying it's a vast conspiracy. I'm saying that he got 2 point race results 2 days in a row before the nation's first primary, and chose not to report it because it wasn't a "3 day trend".

That's beyond fucking stupid. Zogby should be taken to a shed somewhere and shot.

Independent primary voters in New Hampshire were relying on polls to cast tactical votes yesterday. As is suggested by Zogby in the article, they would have likely voted differently if they had seen that the Clinton-Obama race was going to be so tight.
Stop being an intentional idiot.

I'm not saying it's a vast conspiracy. I'm saying that he got 2 point race results 2 days in a row before the nation's first primary, and chose not to report it because it wasn't a "3 day trend".

That's beyond fucking stupid. Zogby should be taken to a shed somewhere and shot.

Independent primary voters in New Hampshire were relying on polls to cast tactical votes yesterday. As is suggested by Zogby in the article, they would have likely voted differently if they had seen that the Clinton-Obama race was going to be so tight.
Because their method specifically works that way. Again, he actually answered your question in the paragraph as you posted it. It isn't me that is being "intentionally stupid".
Because their method specifically works that way.

I still maintain that he should be shot in the face.

It is beyond fucking stupid to not publish that data. I didn't see it anywhere. All I heard from all MSM was possible double digits for Obama.
I have to read these things tonight when I am home. I cannot fully concentrate on them right now. IF DH is right and the exit polling lines up, and it is just the pre-election polls that do not; there’s no case. If the exit polls are strangely out of line, that’s something I will definitely look at. That’s a big red flag to me.
My first quick impressions here:

You all appear to be discounting the known phenomenon of white people claiming publically they are going to vote for a black candidate but doing no such thing when it comes down to it.

The fact that Chapdog, who actually believes, AGAINST ALL DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE, that bush won the past two elections, would jump on this bandwagon with NO evidence yet in, shows once again that he hates Hillary Clinton, and folks, he hates her because she’s a powerful woman.

I don't hate her because she's a powerful woman or a woman at all .. in fact, I don't hate her at all but I damn sure do not trust her. She's too tied to Aipac and Israel and she's too quick to pull the trigger for war.

There is no question that electroinc voting fraud is real.
I still maintain that he should be shot in the face.

It is beyond fucking stupid to not publish that data. I didn't see it anywhere. All I heard from all MSM was possible double digits for Obama.
What was stupid was publishing data within the method. The reason for the method is to track trends. There is a reason all polls have at least a three day spread.
I don't hate her because she's a powerful woman or a woman at all .. in fact, I don't hate her at all but I damn sure do not trust her. She's too tied to Aipac and Israel and she's too quick to pull the trigger for war.

There is no question that electroinc voting fraud is real.

So is rape bac, but that doesn’t make all sex rape.
I’d want to see some actual evidence. I’ve seen actual evidence of what happened in Florida and in Ohio. Maybe it’s here, as I said I will have to read these links from home, when I can concentrate on what I am reading.