Yellow_peril Chinese IMperialist

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Yellow peril is an emissarry of chinese imperialism. Here to collapse our real estate market and swarm in with artificial trade deficit cash and buy our country out from under us.

He is taking notes on the "populist reactions" to the new obamahitler dictatorship.

Make your opinions known to him.
asshat, you haven't done anything to stop the noahides except sit on your fat ass. you are useless to the cause of preventing international fascism. I think it's time you take a break and have a donut or something. you're useless.
€ r ı π ∂;511992 said:
asshat, you haven't done anything to stop the noahides except sit on your fat ass. you are useless to the cause of preventing international fascism. I think it's time you take a break and have a donut or something. you're useless.

Shut yer flapping butthole. Okay, Wally?
what really have you done asshat? post on the internet? post on JPP for that matter? We have international fascists taking over and all you do is play internet warrior in your lazyboy eating dorittos while the REAL anti-fasicsts are out there fighting the good fight. you are just a poser, you are worthless to the cause, you should probably just kill yourself, you do them all a diservice
"HEY GUYS LOOK AT ME" - "im fighting international fascism by posting on JPP. I am the JPP division of the cause."

you complain day in day out about the noahides, their ever increasing grip on power, but you do NOTHING to stop it. you just sit idly by twiddling your thumbs. You are worse than the sheep, because you know the TRUTH and yet you still do nothing except eating dorritos and playing with yourself
€ r ı π ∂;512001 said:
what really have you done asshat? post on the internet? post on JPP for that matter? We have international fascists taking over and all you do is play internet warrior in your lazyboy eating dorittos while the REAL anti-fasicsts are out there fighting the good fight. you are just a poser, you are worthless to the cause, you should probably just kill yourself, you do them all a diservice

I'm an ideological oracle. I pull wisdom from the void of the universe for others to absorb and implement in the world.

I am a conduit for universal truth. A purveyor of the real human morality for the real New World Anti-Order. It's an important mission I'm sworn to continue.
I'm an ideological oracle. I pull wisdom from the void of the universe for others to absorb and implement in the world.

I am a conduit for universal truth. A purveyor of the real human morality for the real New World Anti-Order. It's an important mission I'm sworn to continue.

i.e. you need to be the JPP division of the anti-fascist movement so you can switch over to gay porn every once and a while.

the REAL anti-fascists would laugh at you. you pathetic little boy. get out there and DO something. be a true use to the cause.
€ r ı π ∂;512005 said:
i.e. you need to be the JPP division of the anti-fascist movement so you can switch over to gay porn every once and a while.

the REAL anti-fascists would laugh at you. you pathetic little boy. get out there and DO something. be a true use to the cause.

Being useful to causes is part of the malignant fascist brainwash. You're worse off than we initially thought.
asshat, listen carefully, we are talking about JEWS and the GLOBALISTS ever increasing grip on power. And you think your "oracleness" is best served posting on jpp, a site with around 500 members, half of which are trolls or people that signed up and then never posted once?

That's the best use? Posting on a website where no one even listens to you anyway?

What part of JEWS and GLOBALISTS do you not fucking understand? This isn't a game idiot, do you want to end up a slave for the rest of your life? We need to enact REAL CHANGE. You have to get out there and DO SOMETHING asshat.
€ r ı π ∂;512008 said:
asshat, listen carefully, we are talking about JEWS and the GLOBALISTS ever increasing grip on power. And you think your "oracleness" is best served posting on jpp, a site with around 500 members, half of which are trolls or people that signed up and then never posted once?

That's the best use? Posting on a website where no one even listens to you anyway?

What part of JEWS and GLOBALISTS do you not fucking understand? This isn't a game idiot, do you want to end up a slave for the rest of your life? We need to enact REAL CHANGE. You have to get out there and DO SOMETHING asshat.

That's precisely what they want you to think. Which is why it is the furthest thing from my mind.
Being useful to causes is part of the malignant fascist brainwash. You're worse off than we initially thought.

an easy cop out by the lazy fat ass no doubt. You are going to have to fight fire with fire and play dirty. If everyone tried to be "not useful to the cause" then they would be USELESS and the fascists will take over. You need to do something BIG asshat.

You aren't going to stop the globalists and jews by posting on JPP.
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This is why jews have money and you live in a trailer. They get out there and make shit happen. You eat dorritos.
your inaction will lead to the globalists and jews taking over asshat. there is no other way to say it. Maybe you want that to happen, maybe you are actually a noahide.
€ r ı π ∂;512017 said:
your inaction will lead to the globalists and jews taking over asshat. there is no other way to say it. Maybe you want that to happen, maybe you are actually a noahide.

What's a noahide?
you know who they are. they are going to take over the world. They are jew elitiest globalists. Look at you, you've already been reduced to asking stupid questions. You know the truth about the global elitests and you choose to do NOTHING and sit idly by. You are so pathetic.
€ r ı π ∂;512029 said:
you know who they are. they are going to take over the world. They are jew elitiest globalists. Look at you, you've already been reduced to asking stupid questions. You know the truth about the global elitests and you choose to do NOTHING and sit idly by. You are so pathetic.

I admit that I'm glad to see you enthused on these topics!:)
how many people in your life have questioned your manhood? How did it make you feel to know so many people in your life viewed you as a weak, pathetic little boy? We have the greatest threat to mankind and freedom of all time, and you want to post on JPP. The jews are taking over and as far as I can see you are just swell with that. Maybe your dick is too small to give you the testicular fortitude to fight the good fight, I don't know.

€ r ı π ∂;512031 said:
how many people in your life have questioned your manhood? How did it make you feel to know so many people in your life viewed you as a weak, pathetic little boy? We have the greatest threat to mankind and freedom of all time, and you want to post on JPP. The jews are taking over and as far as I can see you are just swell with that. Maybe your dick is too small to give you the testicular fortitude to fight the good fight, I don't know.


Quit fantasizing about my weiner. You're never gonna get it.

not this time.
again, we are talking about the jews and globalists taking over, and all you can do is spew little one liners. Asshat, you need to DO SOMETHING. You need to STOP this. You need to make the MASSES know what's going on. And the only way to do that is to do something BIG.
€ r ı π ∂;512034 said:
again, we are talking about the jews and globalists taking over, and all you can do is spew little one liners. Asshat, you need to DO SOMETHING. You need to STOP this. You need to make the MASSES know what's going on. And the only way to do that is to do something BIG.

I said to stop referencing my weiner. Can you learn to be civil?