Yep. Bill Clinton is still a monster

Two people have sex. What is there to apologize for? It's really no one's business.
Now, I do realize that the Republicans tried to use this knowledge to try and blackmail Clinton into resigning or they would create a circus atmosphere and humiliate and embarrass his wife and child.
But that really goes to show what the Republican character was/is.

Is Trump 'apologizing' for having sex with consenting adults? Are the Republicans ready to impeach Trump? Are they livid and outraged (especially the Family Value types)?

Yeah, ... that's what I thought.

Jack...just going to give this another go around...bolded and in larger font.

I deserves it.

Seems you've got a couple of Trump's stooges triggered here!

Shame on you!;)
You'll never get it. Sexual predators never do.
Which makes me wonder about you.

hahahaha ... no need to wonder, Stick.
I like women. I like to have sex. I like to have sex with women that like to have sex. Hope that clears up any doubt you might have.
hahahaha ... no need to wonder, Stick.
I like women. I like to have sex. I like to have sex with women that like to have sex. Hope that clears up any doubt you might have.

No it doesn't. The fact that you're incapable of understanding the OP is very telling. It's not just about bj and Monica. bj obviously didn't get it, never has , never will. Same with Harvey. That's a defining characteristic of a sexual predator.
Of course sexual predators like women and sex with women. They just don't understand the proper way to go about it.
No it doesn't. The fact that you're incapable of understanding the OP is very telling. It's not just about bj and Monica. bj obviously didn't get it, never has , never will. Same with Harvey. That's a defining characteristic of a sexual predator.
Of course sexual predators like women and sex with women. They just don't understand the proper way to go about it.

Are you suggesting the Stormy/Trump way is the correct way?
Or maybe David (Baby Diapers) Vitter is the correct way?

Or, as I'm beginning to suspect with you, the Missionary position in the dark is the only exceptable way?
The election of 1992 was "the day the music died" for me. To elect someone of such poor character (and we all knew it, didn't we?) indicated to me the country was on the down slide.

What a fucking hypocrite.

In the 80's Ronald Reagan sold arms to Iran and his VP falsely denied any knowledge of it, but I guess you didn't give much of a shit about that did you?

There's just no bottom for right-wingers to sink to, is there?
No it doesn't. The fact that you're incapable of understanding the OP is very telling. It's not just about bj and Monica. bj obviously didn't get it, never has , never will. Same with Harvey. That's a defining characteristic of a sexual predator.
Of course sexual predators like women and sex with women. They just don't understand the proper way to go about it.

Monica Lewinsky, who was 24 y/o, came after Clinton, he didn't go after her.

How convenient for you to overlook that in spewing your moronic bile.
Are you suggesting the Stormy/Trump way is the correct way?
Or maybe David (Baby Diapers) Vitter is the correct way?

Or, as I'm beginning to suspect with you, the Missionary position in the dark is the only exceptable way?

Here's a pretty good article that helps explain the bj's, Harvey Weinstein's and , I suspect, you.
Sex Predators Can't Be Saved
relevant excerpts:
There can be no dispute that monsters live among us. The only question is what to do with them once they become known to us.
If we do not intend to execute sex criminals, does our hope lie in killing their destructive impulses? Mr. Dodd and his ilk are sociopaths. They are characterized by a fundamental lack of empathy. All children are born pure egoists. They perceive their needs to the exclusion of all others. Only through socialization do they learn that some forms of gratification must be deferred and others denied. When a child's development is incomplete or perverted—and child abuse is the most dominant cause in that equation—he or she tends not to develop empathy. There's a missing card, one that cannot be put back in the deck once the personality is fully formed.
Sociopaths can learn to project a veneer of civilization—for predators, it is part of their camouflage—but they will always lack the ability to feel any pain but their own, pursuing only self–gratification.
Some predatory sociopaths can be deterred. None can be rehabilitated, since they cannot return to a state that never existed.
Another factor that thwarts rehabilitation is the need for offenders to seek higher and higher levels of stimulation. There is no observable waning of their desires over time: sexual predators do not outgrow their behavior.
Chronic sexual predators have crossed an osmotic membrane. They can't step back to the other side—our side. And they don't want to. If we don't kill or release them, we have but one choice: Call them monsters and isolate them.
What a fucking hypocrite.

In the 80's Ronald Reagan sold arms to Iran and his VP falsely denied any knowledge of it, but I guess you didn't give much of a shit about that did you?
I'd place that in the same category as Obama telling the lie of the decade, "If you like your health ins. you can keep your hlth. ins." It was in his mind for the greater good.
Monica Lewinsky, who was 24 y/o, came after Clinton, he didn't go after her.

How convenient for you to overlook that in spewing your moronic bile.

You don't understand the OP either. Not surprised. It correlates with my hypothesis that modern liberalism is a disease.
I'd place that in the same category as Obama telling the lie of the decade, "If you like your health ins. you can keep your hlth. ins." It was in his mind for the greater good.

Typical rwnj deflection response.... has nothing to do with the topic.

BTW, Obama didn't lie. He fully expected it to work that way. Thank the obstructionist scumbag Repugnants for screwing it all up in the name of politics.

You don't understand the OP either. Not surprised. It correlates with my hypothesis that modern liberalism is a disease.

I understand that the right is as desperate to advance a false bullshit narrative as they always are and that you are part of it.
STFU. The topic is about bj being "frighteningly, pathologically incapable of shame" and you bring up Iran contra????
What are you? A "typical rwnj" with that?

So according to you, selling US military weapons to what was back then, truly a terrorist regime, was not something to be ashamed of but carrying on a secret extramarital romance was????


What are you? A "typical rwnj" with that?
Strange he did a good job as president. Isn't that what he was elected to do. Almost all presidents have been womanizers to some degree. However if that bothers you, you must hate Trump.

I am always amused when lying liberals believe that BillyBob Clinton did a good job. The guy lost the House and the Senate after Dems had a lock on it for decades. Then the Republicans dictated the agenda, then Dems couldn't win the 2000 election with a former VP goober like AlGore.

Top that off with the epic lack of poor judgement getting caught banging interns in the White House.

Yet even with all that, morons on the left say he did a great job and stupidly think they are still winning. :rofl2:
I don't have a problem with two consenting adults having sex.

That's not the case with BillyBob Clinton and it is a moronic statement taken within that context. You don't have sex with interns or employees. Particularly if you are the President of the United States.
Yep .. .another Day, another Clinton Obsession

Irony from a dupe that posts ten anti-Trump threads a day. Buy a mirror you pathetic drunk.

Trump is terrible. He has a horrible corrupt administration that is a lesson in theft. Pruitt is just an example of what Trump accepts. Trump is starting tariff wars mostly against long time allies. He will eventually destroy the economy that Obama left him. Trump has not even nominated people for many positions and court slots. Canadian and Mexican leaders are making it clear what they think about Trumps actions.

Trumps still make their overpriced crap in China and 3rd world nations. That ,you would think be a publicity nightmare for them. But The Trumps do not follow what they tell others to do. Trump is above the law. His policy on pardons shows who he is and it is frightening.

Trump gave Kim what the NK leaders have been begging for, international status as a state. No longer the hermit kingdom. Trump gave that away for nothing. Now NK can negotiate and speak as equals to all the nations of the world., thanks to Daffy.

Trump is a crook who will go down in flames.

Worth repeating, Nordberg!


WARNING…….Trump Derangement Syndrome.…….WARNING! :rofl2:

Two people have sex. What is there to apologize for? It's really no one's business.
Now, I do realize that the Republicans tried to use this knowledge to try and blackmail Clinton into resigning or they would create a circus atmosphere and humiliate and embarrass his wife and child.
But that really goes to show what the Republican character was/is.

Is Trump 'apologizing' for having sex with consenting adults? Are the Republicans ready to impeach Trump? Are they livid and outraged (especially the Family Value types)?

Yeah, ... that's what I thought.

What do you think would happen to a President of a corporation if he was caught having sex with his secretary?
Monica Lewinsky, who was 24 y/o, came after Clinton, he didn't go after her.

How convenient for you to overlook that in spewing your moronic bile.

Translation of this pile of stupid:

Monica was a slut just asking for it. BillyBob had no choice but to bang her!! #metoo!! :rofl2:

BTW, Obama didn't lie. He fully expected it to work that way. Thank the obstructionist scumbag Repugnants for screwing it all up in the name of politics.

It definitely was a lie and you're a lying dumbfuck on steroids. Pelosi even stated they would know what is in the bill AFTER it passed. A moronic claim that idiots like you cheered.

The architect said they lied to idiots like you because you would be too stupid to understand how great it is.

It was a huge lie that cost trillions and did NOTHING to bring down costs or make people healthier. STFU

I understand that the right is as desperate to advance a false bullshit narrative as they always are and that you are part of it.

Wrong; advancing false bullshit narratives is a specialty with willful lying idiots like you.
