Some democrats think them killing a million by non gas is worse than 400 by gaswhy cant they understand that some of us Americans don't want a world where dictators can gass the people who think hes a bad actor
Some democrats think them killing a million by non gas is worse than 400 by gaswhy cant they understand that some of us Americans don't want a world where dictators can gass the people who think hes a bad actor
gas creeps into the house your fighting in front of and kills the children in their sleep and then into the next house aand the next house and the next house and the next house and all the farm animals. making a case that dictators can just gas whole areas of their country and people like you will say "em so what" is a fucking nightmare for human kind. think the fuck about that for a minute?
Did you think about that when Saddam did it?
Prohibition of Gas by International Law
Use of Gas after World War II Apart from the use of gas by Egypt against Yemen in the 1960s, the world was free of extensive gassing operations until 1983, when the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein launched a chemical campaign in the war against Iran (1980988). According to estimates, gases were deployed 195 times, killing or wounding 50,000 Iranians. In April 1987 Hussein turned the poison against his hated internal opponents, the Iraqi Kurds, as well. He launched at least forty gas assaults against the Kurdish population, the most dreadful of which occurred in 1988, between March 16 and March 19, in the town of Halabja. There, mustard gas and the nerve gases sarin and tabun killed 5,000 civilians.
why did ronny rayguns do nothing? Now tell me since ronny did nothing have more people been gassed?
We STOPPED the use worldwide for decades Then ronny rayguns SOLD the ingredients to sadam KNOWING he would use them.
then Sadam used them and Ronny raygun just smiled. Now people are being gassed again huh. be very fucking proud
gas creeps into the house your fighting in front of and kills the children in their sleep and then into the next house aand the next house and the next house and the next house and all the farm animals.
making a case that dictators can just gas whole areas of their country and people like you will say "em so what" is a fucking nightmare for human kind.
think the fuck about that for a minute?
what you people are all saying is "so what" Im too tired of bombing bad guys since Bush took the shit cork out of the bottle. this isn't fun anymore. lets just walk away and everything will be fine Bush fucks it all up and leaves the dems to clean the mess while you idiots fight every attempt to clean the mess. It gets old and tiring so you all just want to walk away. walking away will solve nothing
A majority of Americans don't want to be tools for O-BOMB-YA. Why do you hate the will of the American people?
Americans want peace. they will not get that with dead babies piling up . At least not THIS AMERICAN
opinions based on lies or lack of information are not wise decisions. NOW is the time to talk about those facts. get it asshole? lets remind the American people of the history of WWI and the gassing that took place. lets remind them of the horror they are about to say "Oh I don't care Im tired" about
Not its me and the facts standing calmly waiting for the rest of you to arrive