Yet another former JC Chairman blasts tRump.

You are basing your opinion on one test and one service. The studies I have seen show that military inductees score higher on the IQ tests than their civilian counterparts. If the officer corps is less intelligent we would have to blame our liberalization of colleges and universities as the services require officers have a 4 year degree.

No, I am giving you a place to start if you want to educate yourself on how the Officer Corps has declined in quality. Your education is as always your problem, I have gifted you a starting point, the decent response from you should be "Thank You".

It is no secret that the military’s highest performing officers are leaving the Army in large numbers.1,2,4 Think tanks, senior officers, and junior officers themselves have been sounding the alarm for years. However, among all the discussion and efforts of how to retain and develop talent (see AIM 2.0, Army Talent Management Task Force, Battalion Commander’s Assessment Program) there is very little discussion of if the Army is acquiring the right people to begin with. Data on the recruitment of West Point and ROTC cadets show clear trends away from using quantitative intellectual measures to assess and select candidates applying to commissioning programs.6 Since the implementation of the All-Volunteer force the Army officer corps has seen a significant decline in the innate intellectual capacities of those it commissions
No, I am giving you a place to start if you want to educate yourself on how the Officer Corps has declined in quality. Your education is as always your problem, I have gifted you a starting point, the decent response from you should be "Thank You".

Why should I thank you? You have done nothing for me.You choose to bring up a debateable subject but aren't prepared to debate your subject. Seems to me you have a hidden agenda for this attack on the Marine corps or military in general. Your signature about genocide is very telling.
I have been following and talking about the decline of the officer quality for 30 years, this is not about Trump.

And the topic IS about tRump and his glaring hipocrisy concerning recent military personnel. Not your biased assessment of "then verses now".
Yeah...….apparently he graduated from the same west point class that JOE BIDEN and BARRY SORETORO graduated from. :laugh: But there is more....Mr. Trump was actually a CADET at a Military Academy....unlike Barry who toked his way through school on the tax payer's dime or Biden who was deferred from Military Service with a Draft Number declaring he was unfit to serve because of severe Asthma.

Biden's draft status was 1-A.....until his number came up. After 7 years of deferment while in school...…...his status was 1-A. Sum-Bitch...…….he removed himself from the draft pool right at the height of the Viet Nam War when the US was experiencing a drastic rise in Casualties.....1967....Biden's number was coming up in 1968 and he had no more college deferments. Again.....Sum Bitch......he was reclassified as unfit because of Asthma.

How's that for trigging? Do you really assume that someone who was to afraid to serve in combat (China Joe) is any smarter than someone who has actually had MILITARY TRAINING.....he graduated in 1964 (Trump)

Yeah...…….the Greatest Depression since the Great Depression? Really? Can you count to 2.5 Million? The most new jobs added in a single month in US HISTORY.


When did Biden ever say that he knew more than the Generals? He didn't. As such, you waste considerable space trying to defend yet another of tRumps stupid comments. Congrats.....(

Also, we might not be in the early stages of a SLIGHT economic recovery had our INCOMPETENT POTUS addressed the pandemic in its early stages instead of saying ""Its one guy from China", or "Corona will disappear when summer arrives".

Only a tRump "kool-aid drinking" idiot would attempt to give tRump credit for a slight economic recovery that was caused by his own incompetence.

Would you pay yourself on the back for changing a flat tire that you got for knowingly driving through a bed of nails? Yeah, you trumpanzees probably would......lmao

"tRumps military training"?... Hilarious...... tRump himself said that his "personal Vietnam" was trying to avoid catching a STD while banging prostitutes in NYC.... .

Geez, you "conditioned chimps" will believe anything........)
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Tell us about Trump's military ahievements, Ralph. He graduated from military school (you won't be able to say anything about his record, I understand that, because he threatened the law on anyone who revealed his grades).

Anyway, there he was: an 18-year-old with MILITARY TRAINING, raring to go serve his country. And then ...?

Record? 2.5 million jobs created in MAY 2020...….the greatest number of jobs created in US HISTORY for a single month. Lower taxes, wall built, troops coming home.....peace through strength.....that record? :thinking:

Yeah....threatened with THE LAW. Question? If something is not illegal...… can anyone threaten with THE LAW? You talk just like all dumb ass act like making everyone respect THE LAW is some type of racism.....or any number of other ad hominem ISMS...……...LMAO:laugh:

He's kicking ass and taking names.....and the sour grapes from you characters are something to watch....with the grinding and gnashing of teeth. It been 4 years....I bet those Grapes taste like Vinegar.....what's the pucker factor? I'd wager you can't drive a 10 penny nail up your ass by now. :bigthink:

Russia Gate. Fail. Fake Impeachment. Fail Fake Dem-Panic....Fail Terrorist riots in the street: Failing as we speak. Mail in ballots: China(man's) chance in hell of happening.

Forecast for fascist democrats? Its going to be a hot spring and a hotter summer. You ain't seen shit yet. You do comprehend that the democrats are attempting to outlaw lynching for a What's the penalty for treason and sedition?
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When did Biden ever say that he knew more than the Generals? He didn't. As such, you waste considerable space trying to defend yet another of tRumps stupid comments. Congrats.....(

Also, we might not be in the early stages of a SLIGHT economic recovery had our INCOMPETENT POTUS addressed the pandemic in its early stages instead of saying ""Its one guy from China", or "Corona will disappear when summer arrives".

Only a tRump "kool-aid drinking" idiot would attempt to give tRump credit for a slight economic recovery that was caused by his own incompetence.

Would you pay yourself on the back for changing a flat tire that you got for knowingly driving through a bed of nails? Yeah, you trumpanzees probably would......lmao

"tRumps military training"?... Hilarious...... tRump himself said that his "personal Vietnam" was trying to avoid catching a STD while banging prostitutes in NYC.... .

Geez, you "conditioned chimps" will believe anything........)

When did Biden ever say anything that was coherent and articulate that did not sound like he's got a mouth full of shit? You know, the thing, with the thing? Hell he can't even quote one line from our founding documents void of stepping on his own dick. :palm:

Do you know how many US TROOPS was killed under the leadership of Barry Soetoro? George Bush? Blow Job Bill? Now compare that leadership with the leadership of Mr. Trump....who is bringing peace to the Clowns in America's war machine in the middle east. Trump is telling both the CIA and the House of Saud to stick their oil up their ass....The US is now energy independent.....enough so to provide all our energy needs for the next 200 years if required void of having to depend upon 3rd world shitholes (that was mandated by the democrats). No more Blood for Oil...….no more using US TAXPAYER dollars to fund the left wing money laundering to personal bank accounts.
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Tell us about Trump's military ahievements, Ralph. He graduated from military school (you won't be able to say anything about his record, I understand that, because he threatened the law on anyone who revealed his grades).

Anyway, there he was: an 18-year-old with MILITARY TRAINING, raring to go serve his country. And then ...?

tRump developed a life-threatening case of bone spurs. Who knows, a Dr. that DIDN'T rent his office space from Fred tRump might have had a very different diagnosis.
[QUOTE/] Can you count to 2.5 Million? The most new jobs added in a single month in US HISTORY.


Yet another example of "tRumpian" misrepresented facts and "Conway style" Alternate Facts.

People returning to work after being furloughed due to Covid are NOT new jobs. They are EXISTING jobs that were SUSPENDED. Again, only a "conditioned" trumpanzee would spout such ridiculousness.
When did Biden ever say anything that was coherent and articulate that did not sound like he's got a mouth full of shit? You know, the thing, with the thing? Hell he can't even quote one line from our founding documents void of stepping on his own dick. :palm:

Do you know how many US TROOPS was killed under the leadership of Barry Soetoro? George Bush? Blow Job Bill? Now compare that leadership with the leadership of Mr. Trump....who is bringing peace to the Clowns in America's war machine in the middle east. Trump is telling both the CIA and the House of Saud to stick their oil up their ass....The US is now energy independent.....enough so to provide all our energy needs for the next 200 years if required void of having to depend upon 3rd world shitholes (that was mandated by the democrats). No more Blood for Oil...….no more using US TAXPAYER dollars to fund the left wing money laundering to personal bank accounts.

As compared to tRump's "Covfefe" nonsense. As well as tRump talking to Covid casualties AFTER they had died.....lmao

Still using the "new jobs" bullshit lies I see. They are not new jobs and tRump is a bumbling idiot. I suggest that you start coming to terms with that.