Yikes! Conservative female bloggers discuss dating


Will work for Scooby snacks
Hannidate! If you're a dude who goes to church a lot, if you have a gun rack on your pickup, if you don't like to party, and if you think Barack Obama is an idiot, you might have a shot with one of these gals! Bascially, you need to be a hybrid between Dixie and Brent.

Conservative female bloggers muse on the dating scene:

-Have you dated liberals before? If so, any difference you can tell between liberal and conservative guys?

I tend not to date liberals, for a reason. Politics is so important to what I do and I follow it so much. I can't respect a guy who's liberal all that much because it makes me question his intelligence. So, that's a big minus because I'm thinking how smart can this guy be if he thinks John Kerry is a great politician? (Laughs) If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be?

-Have you dated liberals before? If so, any difference you can tell between liberal and conservative guys?

...My experience with liberals is that superficially, they may be more fun to be around. They're a bit looser and more relaxed. They make an effort to be more sensitive, but the sensitivity only goes so far. It's easy for a man to keep this illusion of being a great, sensitive romantic if he knows he's just going to sleep with you and then say good-bye. Anybody can be Mr. Love God for one night or one week or one month.

When I became conservative, which coincided with my becoming a Christian, I realized that even though there were things I liked sentimentally about liberal men, I wanted somebody who shared my values. Conservatives might not always be so easy to get along with at first, but I thought it was worth my time to get to know men who were compatible with me and would eventually warm up.

-Have you dated liberals before? If so, any difference you can tell between liberal and conservative guys?

Absolutely. It's kind of like night and day. I have always had a policy of not dating liberals, but once, after a bad break-up, I dated a couple of liberal guys...

First of all, they don't have the same values and I find that to be a fundamental problem. I know a lot of people are willing to accept that, but I'm not. Their whole world view is different from someone who has conservative values and traditional values as a way of life.

Being focused on yourself, and your rights, and materialism, and no ultimate sense of morality -- because I guess when you believe in a more secular way of life, a more liberal viewpoint, it's all about what you can do for yourself and how you can be happy...and you don't have any belief in absolute truth or religious principles to guide how you live. You get guys who are selfish and into themselves and don't care so much about humanity, other people, or me -- that just leads to a lot of problems. I also have a problem with guys who are into things like getting completely trashed and doing drugs...

-Have you dated liberals before? If so, any difference you can tell between liberal and conservative guys?

Yeah, in the past year, I think I've dated one or two of them. There is usually an issue there with religion, which is kind of frustrating, because you're not necessarily going to go out on one or two dates with someone and think that you're going to marry them. But, with long term goals, how you're going to raise your kids, whether you're going to bring them to church or not, you wonder if that person is going to show the same values -- there tends to be a difference there with liberal guys.

Another turn-off with liberal guys, at least for me, tends to be 2nd Amendment stuff. Gun rights? I think it's kind of wimpy when guys don't think people should be able to protect themselves.

This is what a conservative woman looks like:


Being that I now love God, I recongnize the ultimate goodness in her, but unfortunately she's also ugly. :(
"Conservatives might not always be so easy to get along with at first, but I thought it was worth my time to get to know men who were compatible with me and would eventually warm up. "


They grow on you like a fungus.
" I also have a problem with guys who are into things like getting completely trashed and doing drugs... "

.....yeah, because cons don't do drugs.......hiccup.....Ted Haggard.......Rush Limbaugh....
"Conservatives might not always be so easy to get along with at first, but I thought it was worth my time to get to know men who were compatible with me and would eventually warm up. "


They grow on you like a fungus.

I know, that was a very weird thing to say. I’d never date a conservative because they have no moral compass and don’t care about anything but their bank accounts, but if I found liberal men hard to get along with and had to hope they’d “warm up”, I guess I would just live alone.
it's very funny to see simpletons on both sides shallowness. These ladies sound like dhula and Cypress. Wonder if he'd bang them if they said they loved mullettes
it's very funny to see simpletons on both sides shallowness. These ladies sound like dhula and Cypress. Wonder if he'd bang them if they said they loved mullettes

When asking someone out I've never even thought of asking about their politics and I'm somewhat of a political junkie.
it's very funny to see simpletons on both sides shallowness. These ladies sound like dhula and Cypress. Wonder if he'd bang them if they said they loved mullettes

If they sounded like me they’d have to say they have a hot boyfriend, younger than them, with a master’s in political science and a really cool job in political activism, who has published a book, and is madly in love with them.

I didn’t see any of them saying that, could you point that out to me? Stand on a stool if you have to.
each party is better at something
dems healthcare, freedom, workers status
repubs business, economy, Jesus/and other cartoons, self determination, wars, wars, drug overenforcement.
The true dumbasses are the party hacks that think the other side is totally wrong.
If they sounded like me they’d have to say they have a hot boyfriend, younger than them, with a master’s in political science and a really cool job in political activism, who has published a book, and is madly in love with them.

I didn’t see any of them saying that, could you point that out to me? Stand on a stool if you have to.

each party is better at something
dems healthcare, freedom, workers status
repubs business, economy, Jesus/and other cartoons, self determination, wars, wars, drug overenforcement.
The true dumbasses are the party hacks that think the other side is totally wrong.

Actually, repugs aren't better at any of those things. They are better at PR and smear campaigns hands down. But as far as the economy, wars, Jesus, and drug enforcement goes: we've got a real estate bubble popping that they want to put a bandaid on, they exploit Jesus to push political agenda's against our best interests, no comments on self determination, they've screwed up every war they've launched during Bush's failed administration, and the war on drugs has proven to be a complete failure as well.

Other than smear campaigns and PR, I'm not sure that they are the best at anything. Except lowering taxes. I do like that.
I was being condesending on the jesus and wars, which they are better at but we shouldn't be participating in.
they are way better on the business and the economy, the housing bubble needs to burst. Houses are still too expensive.
Repugs are way better on the economy ? What ya been smoking this morning.

Ohh sorry I forgot for a moment who I was responding to...