Yikes! Conservative female bloggers discuss dating

yeah they do have the big money push.

What did bush say about repeating a lie often enough and it becomes fact.
There sales staff is not really better they just have a better funded sales department.

Nah.....they are just much better at it period. The democrats would do well to take some of their tactics in the general.

Although, this may be wishful thinking but I was wondering if Obama and McCain would agree to a clean and respectable fight in the general. If any two politicians were capable of it in a campaign of dems vs. repugs, they'd be the only ones.
Nah.....they are just much better at it period. The democrats would do well to take some of their tactics in the general.

Although, this may be wishful thinking but I was wondering if Obama and McCain would agree to a clean and respectable fight in the general. If any two politicians were capable of it in a campaign of dems vs. repugs, they'd be the only ones.

I'd think that would be a great thing to see but there are so many people involved and groups with money that there would be no way for Obama and McCain to keep everyone of their backers from attacking the other side.
I'd think that would be a great thing to see but there are so many people involved and groups with money that there would be no way for Obama and McCain to keep everyone of their backers from attacking the other side.

Yeah, but both of them have done a better job at rebuking or firing supporters that cross the line that most politicians have and both have staked their careers as being above the fray. They aren't perfect but of all the front runners, I think they'd be the only ones that could manage to do it with some shred of class.
Yeah, but both of them have done a better job at rebuking or firing supporters that cross the line that most politicians have and both have staked their careers as being above the fray. They aren't perfect but of all the front runners, I think they'd be the only ones that could manage to do it with some shred of class.

(Thanks to McCain) we have all these 527's which neither candidate can control that will no doubt spend millions and millions of dollars on attack ads. That's more of what I envision.
economics is way over usged's head, but that's ok it's way over the average dem congressman/womans head to.
all I hear is big oil you charge to much, big ceo you make to much whaaaa
"Conservatives might not always be so easy to get along with at first, but I thought it was worth my time to get to know men who were compatible with me and would eventually warm up. "


They grow on you like a fungus.


I liked this one:

" I'm thinking how smart can this guy be if he thinks John Kerry is a great politician? (Laughs) If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? "

Coming from a two-time Bush voter, I think this statement is called Irony 101.
Yeah, but both of them have done a better job at rebuking or firing supporters that cross the line that most politicians have and both have staked their careers as being above the fray. They aren't perfect but of all the front runners, I think they'd be the only ones that could manage to do it with some shred of class.

You know, it's sort of a game. You give your staff a big leash, expecting them to do something wrong, then you let them do something wrong, and then you fire them and blame them for what went wrong. It's a brilliant strategy that makes you seem more honest than you really are.

I liked this one:

" I'm thinking how smart can this guy be if he thinks John Kerry is a great politician? (Laughs) If he thinks Barack Obama would be a great President, I think, gee, how bright could this guy be? "

Coming from a two-time Bush voter, I think this statement is called Irony 101.

LOL. I know.