yipeee 100 $ a barrel oil

I didn't bother to read your entire horseshit deshtar, you are sick.
It's a free market and socialist do what you want, guaranteed cheap gas. They also don't have 1/10 the plastic standard of living you expect in Vegas.
I never said I was great
I just calling you out on being a simpleton, calling millions of hard working americans profiteers is juvinille.
I'm 1,000 % against wars and you know it. No one is more anit-gun than me. Should should open your mind and read more.
I didn't bother to read your entire horseshit deshtar, you are sick.
It's a free market and socialist do what you want, guaranteed cheap gas. They also don't have 1/10 the plastic standard of living you expect in Vegas.
I never said I was great
I just calling you out on being a simpleton, calling millions of hard working americans profiteers is juvinille.
I'm 1,000 % against wars and you know it. No one is more anit-gun than me. Should should open your mind and read more.

Someone who is willing to lie about others is willing to lie about themselves.

You can not answer what I really said because its true and even you know it.

Get help toppy, after you understand yourself and the world life is so much better.
whew Thought I was going to have to re-explain to the 8th graders how we went to war to keep oil cheap. LOL
The pension funds largely own the oil companies.

Is everyone who retired and draws a pension "an asshole" because oil is high?
desh has the IQ of an 8th grader
she means well but most of what are top current issues are way over her head.
Could be form being stuck in the house all day watching Oprah.
damn some assholes are making big bucks
There are some people with morals toppy

these are your hatefull and ignorant comments desh, no educated caring person would make them.
And the 1981 numbers were a temporary spike... these numbers are far more permanent, and they are goddamn nearly as high as 1981, if not as high already.
I didn't bother to read your entire horseshit deshtar, you are sick.
It's a free market and socialist do what you want, guaranteed cheap gas. They also don't have 1/10 the plastic standard of living you expect in Vegas.
I never said I was great
I just calling you out on being a simpleton, calling millions of hard working americans profiteers is juvinille.
I'm 1,000 % against wars and you know it. No one is more anit-gun than me. Should should open your mind and read more.

It's a free market and socialist do what you want, guaranteed cheap gas.

Its not a "free market".

OPEC is essentially a monopoly.

American's defense budget is built into the price of a gallon of gas. Our massive worldwide military presence and defense posture, is spent to primarily to defend oil supplies.

Bush's war of conquest in the iraq, and the instability it creates, is built into the price of a gallon of gas.

The war, as most sane people know, was to bring iraq oil under the influence of the united states, so that their massive reserves would be produced and exported at levels favorable to keeping oil prices high, and profits up. Saddam was itching to switch oil trade to the Euro, and massively ramp up iraqi oil production should sanctions end.
they are nearly as high, and if you were'nt still on daddy's allowance you might know more about how permanent they are. Also energy is half the family budget with prob twice the useage compared to the 80's. Tell me how that's bad again.
hey are nearly as high

Yep thanks for the repeat, Topper.

and if you were'nt still on daddy's allowance you might know more about how permanent they are.

Yeah I said they were permanent too.

Also energy is half the family budget with prob twice the useage compared to the 80's. Tell me how that's bad again.

Yeah I think you're agreeing with me. I don't get the point of the insulting tone. Is this how Topper agrees with people?

I bet he'd say 'FUCK YOU GLOBAL WARMING DOES EXIST', to Al Gore...
The pension funds largely own the oil companies.

Is everyone who retired and draws a pension "an asshole" because oil is high?

The funny thing is, many of the oil companies do not have high profit margins. They are healthy to be sure, but it is not as though they are reaming people. COP profit margins are under 7%. XOM is about 12%. Yes, they generate that margin on huge overall sales, but that is due to OUR demand for their product.

Also (for Desh and others) COP and Shell are two large investors into alt energy and have been for quite some time. They understand where the future is going and are making plans to be leaders in alt energy production.

Bottom line.... yelling at them for making money producing something we all use AND demand they produce is pretty friggin sad. Especially when their profit margins are low.

Profit margin comparisons....

GOOG 26%
IBM 10%
GE 13%

Desh.... why don't you yell at IBM, Dell, GE, Starbucks and Google for making similar profit margins?
And the 1981 numbers were a temporary spike... these numbers are far more permanent, and they are goddamn nearly as high as 1981, if not as high already.

The point though Water is that oil prices have been held at artificially low levels for decades. Inflation adjusted they are still below the 81 levels.... even if you take out the short term spike. We NEED this spike in oil prices if for no other reason than it seems to be the only thing that will get this country to focus on alt energy R&D. Is it going to hurt us at the pumps? Yes. Which means we all need to evaluate our transportation methods and usage.
to get technical I would say the seventees... during the Carter administration...we were oil short then...lotsa dealers were outta the crude...go figure...history 101 anyone?;)
No. This morning on MSNBC they were talking about Obama's statement that oil prices where now at their highest in history and that oil profits were at their highest and he was wrong on both counts. 1981 oil prices adjusted for inflation were the highest ever. This table http://www.inflationdata.com/inflation/Inflation_Rate/Historical_Oil_Prices_Table.asp shows adjusted for income yearly averages and according to it 1980 had the highest average oil price adjusted for inflation. But the highest single day price according to the guy on the news today was in 1981. History 101 aside.
Cypress your a retarded cartoon style believer if you think we went to war to make oil expensive.:clink: