"You Can't Eat GDP"

As usual, you declare your absolute ignorance of reality, and your dick sucking qualities for Trump. Some day, and i seriously doubt it will happen in this lifetime, you might even grow a spine, and get off your knees:


Putting that POS on ignore is the best thing you can do to improve the tone and civility of this forum for yourself.

Same with Truth Deflector.

The two most useless trolls on this board, neither of whom have ever had anything to say that was worth reading.
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The point is that all of these right wing whiners are profiting while claiming, falsely so, that it is a benefit to the middle class. In the real world the middle class is struggling.

Many (not all) of them would struggle less if they found fewer things to spend money on.

As a matter of fact I do but I'm not so sure you do.

"Median income is the amount that divides the income distribution into two equal groups, half having income above that amount, and half having income below that amount. Mean income (average) is the amount obtained by dividing the total aggregate income of a group by the number of units in that group." or you wouldn't be basing your opinion on "Social Mobility Memos" blog.

You do understand a blog is an opinion piece that can be slanted left or right?
As a matter of fact I do but I'm not so sure you do.

"Median income is the amount that divides the income distribution into two equal groups, half having income above that amount, and half having income below that amount. Mean income (average) is the amount obtained by dividing the total aggregate income of a group by the number of units in that group." or you wouldn't be basing your opinion on "Social Mobility Memos" blog.

You do understand a blog is an opinion piece that can be slanted left or right?

Let us see if you can grasp this concept. From your blog:

"half having income above that amount, and half having income below that amount."

Now, lets just say that 1000 people see a rise of 1 million in their income, and 100 million people see no rise in their income, what happens to the median income? Do you have a clue?
Let us see if you can grasp this concept. From your blog:

"half having income above that amount, and half having income below that amount."

Now, lets just say that 1000 people see a rise of 1 million in their income, and 100 million people see no rise in their income, what happens to the median income? Do you have a clue?

Clearly you are math deficient!!!!! half means 50% so 1,000 is nowhere near being half of one million. But nice try sport nice try.

"Between 2015 and 2016, US median household income rose 3.2% from $57,230 to $59,039, according to a new report released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday.

"It's now the highest income year on record, beating the previous high of $58,655 in 1999 (all numbers are adjusted for inflation).

"The US poverty rate simultaneously declined about 1% to 12.7%, returning to nearly the same level as in 2007, prior to the recession. In total, 2.5 million fewer people were in poverty in 2016 than in 2015."
Notice what years the data is for. Thanks, Obama.
Remember when the numbers were cited each quarter under Obama? First we heard 'they're public sector jobs'...then that was disproved. Then it was 'they're low paying jobs'. Yes...maybe we should tax corporations that ship labor overseas?

An active GDP is always a good thing. In this instance, govt. spending increased, and exports rose in an effort to avoid impending tariffs.

But...you have to love when trump makes claims that are easily disproved, with respect to the history of our economy, etc.
You've done it now. You just triggered the libs, they'll be complaining about CEO pay non-stop.

Just because you are not intelligent enough to understand why income inequality is a big deal, and the Founding Fathers believed so too as well as Christ, please do not try and insert your ignorance into a conversation you have no understanding of:


2Corinthians 8: 13-15

“For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened: But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality: As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack.”
Clearly you are math deficient!!!!! half means 50% so 1,000 is nowhere near being half of one million. But nice try sport nice try.

You really do not grasp the meaning of "median income" do you? There are approximately 156 million working Americans in the country. If 1000 in the upper half gain 1 million each, and then 1 million in the lower half gain nothing, what happens to the "median income"? It will not rise by 1 million each of course, but it will increase the "median income" a certain percentage making it appear as if the entire group had benefited.
Biggest burn of the year! Give the Owl a Hoot.

"Between 2015 and 2016, US median household income rose 3.2% from $57,230 to $59,039, according to a new report released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday.

First off thank you Obama. But for a family of FOUR that is the edge of POOR! One sick family member with out of pocket medical expenses and that is POVERTY. But not to worry, they can't qualify for Medicaid unless they are below $40K.

PS If that is $59k in LA, Seattle, San Diego, NYC, Chicago, Miami and many more zip codes--that is BELOW POVERTY.
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"Between 2015 and 2016, US median household income rose 3.2% from $57,230 to $59,039, according to a new report released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday.

"It's now the highest income year on record, beating the previous high of $58,655 in 1999 (all numbers are adjusted for inflation).

"The US poverty rate simultaneously declined about 1% to 12.7%, returning to nearly the same level as in 2007, prior to the recession. In total, 2.5 million fewer people were in poverty in 2016 than in 2015."
Notice what years the data is for. Thanks, Obama.

Thank whoever you want, but it is the highest in 50 years. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N
You really do not grasp the meaning of "median income" do you? There are approximately 156 million working Americans in the country. If 1000 in the upper half gain 1 million each, and then 1 million in the lower half gain nothing, what happens to the "median income"? It will not rise by 1 million each of course, but it will increase the "median income" a certain percentage making it appear as if the entire group had benefited.

Oh PLEEEEEEEEEEASE! Are you so ignorant that you don't understand that "median income" is defined by class, not overall working population! I strongly suggest you get over your RDS and start looking at the real world.
Hello Kacper,

Real Median household income is higher than it has been in 50 years. People have a spending problem more than an earning problem. If they didn't, corporate profits wouldn't be so high and the perceived wealth of all those 1%er stockholders wouldn't be so obscene.

I am going to say baloney to that.

People are people. We don't exactly give away higher education, and we don't put enough money into K-12 to create a wise populace. People are doing exactly what is expected of them. They are responding to capitalism, which uses every diabolical way they can contrive to extract the wealth of the unsuspecting. And capitalists are quite efficient at it. Capitalism, like President Trump, loves the uneducated. Capitalism, like President Trump, would not hesitate to take money from a sucker.

People are getting ripped off right and left, and a lot of them don't even know it. Capitalism actually gets people to vote against their own better interest.

Too many people are obsessed with conspicuous consumption, all created by improperly regulated capitalism. The advent of the television set was a huge turn in American culture. The internet was another big change. We have become a people which measures a man's character by what he owns, not what he does. And that is wrong. (as President Carter so succinctly declared...)
Hello tinfoil,

I'm using a 6 year old phone and my business phone is now 3 years old. And I'm so busy here in Columbus that I increased prices by 30% to try to NOT get some bids, but I got the jobs anyway so now I have more money and less time to enjoy it. Damn you, Trump!

James Taylor sang that the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.

So even if you make a lot of money but you have to use all your allotted time on the planet to do it, then it might not be worth it if you would really rather be doing something else like fishing or golfing.

Or just spending time with your loved ones.

That's President Trump's problem.

He's so busy with work, he doesn't spend enough quality family time. He's just like his father. Leaves the parenting of small children to the mother.

He does go play golf, but I understand it's not a relaxing experience. He always has to have a group to go with, and they are usually all picked by him. Business may be conducted. Trump talks incessantly, something which is usually frowned upon on a golf course, but he cares nothing for traditional golf etiquette. He cheats. He improves his lie, takes mulligans, and doesn't report his scores properly for handicapping. And he drives the carts right across the greens. Total jerk on the golf course. That's not relaxing nor enjoying the passage of time.

He made all the money he would ever need to simply enjoy life and pamper his whole family a long time ago. But he couldn't do it, could not enjoy life. He doesn't know how. He's probably ADHD. He can't sit still and do an activity for a while. Can't stay on task. The thought of slowing down and being with people like family just for the purpose of being together for even a few hours terrifies him. He's always in hyper-drive, going a million miles an hour. Nobody else can keep up with him. He's as mature as a 9 yo on covfefe.
Oh PLEEEEEEEEEEASE! Are you so ignorant that you don't understand that "median income" is defined by class, not overall working population! I strongly suggest you get over your RDS and start looking at the real world.

Are you really that ignorant as to think the income of each class has nothing to do with the "median income"?

I strongly suggest you get over your usual bull shit, and try to learn for a change. Then too, you seem to be fixated on fantasy mental conditions.