You can't have support for empire and screw your people at the same time

Drop your cynicism and stop believing things are inevitable when they are not.

the myth of inevitability is deep mind control.

free your mind.

this will improve your life.

Its back to the basics with you you ignorant abusive MotherFucker.

I dont put up with that shit.
Too funny!!! 2 losers whining and commiserating with each other that the sky is falling!

Funny and sad at the same time.

The Shrub gets thousands of them killed in a war based on lies.

The party they follow with blind loyalty screws them with outsourced jobs, over priced drugs, has their lives dictated by insurance companies , gives tax breaks to rich folk and corporation...and then tells them social services is the problem.

They are so far in denial, they'll hit Egypt soon!