Verified User
It's all about having control of an indentured underclass. That's what the elites, like the scum in SCOTUS have always wanted. They want slaves.
Hard to understand otherwise.
It's all about having control of an indentured underclass. That's what the elites, like the scum in SCOTUS have always wanted. They want slaves.
They're done, man. There are even Republicans who're not going to put up with that crap. I keep telling our trolls, "have you ever tried to tell a woman what she can't do?". Even GOP women want the choice even if they never plan to get an abortion. You can't just snatch someone's rights away - but the GOP have somehow done it.
And it's not going to go well for them. People are not going to stand for regressing to medieval times!
Unless you have a vagina,your don't have a dog in the fight
Conservative's have always been terrified of women. You blame them for tempting you. This is payback. It's like Adam and Eve around here.
what a misogynist.....are you seriously unaware that tens of millions of women are pro-life?......
It absolutely is. You know the plot of "Handmaids Tale"? That's the kind of world GOP wants. Rules for the lower class and none for them. If Kevin McCarthy gets his mistress pregnant, legal or not, he's going to find a way to get her an abortion, even if he has to fly her out of the country. Poor people can't afford to do that.
The person you're debating with, PostModPoofdah has likely never seen a woman naked.
Thank you! I'd be fine if there were zero abortions ever again, but like most realistic, sane people, I want it to remain safe and legal.
Our ER's in red state, rural areas are about to be flooded with botched self-abortion attempts.
Fucking GOP, taking us backwards.
the Handmaid's Tale is fantasy fiction........which is even more obvious by the fact lib'ruls believe it's real......they've been believing fantasies were real for years......
did you really think that killing your unborn children was forwards?......
Yep, and because your son couldn't keep it in his pants, both their lives are changed forever.
"isn't theirs"? Who's is it?
you don't think an abortion change your life forever?......the best alternative is putting the child up for adoption, not killing it.....
learn some biology, child.......the eggs we eat are unfertilized.......they don't keep roosters in egg-laying hen houses.......Don't eat any more eggs. They're all babies!
This won't stand.
It won't stand. You can't tell women what they can't do.
An embryo is not an unborn child. An embryo is what you eat with your bacon every day, idiot.
Chile abusers are not "gay". They're just sick. Anyone who lays hands on a kid is sick.
The thing is - people like PMP don't give a fuck about babies. If they did they wouldn't fight the Medicare expansion in red states for deny gov't assistance for post natal care.
Suck hypocrites.. they care about making the poor little girl carry her rape baby to term, but then.. they don't give a fuck.
It's all about GOP's fear of women and wanting to control them.
I am aware that most are not. Most women as well as most Americans want abortion safe and legal. Your supporting the tyranny of the minority over the majority makes you one of the fascists.
Fuck you.