You don't need Religion!

That speaks to exactly what you are.
That you would use thst line of attack.

You are completely without morals.

You cannot logically debate facts so you stoop to the most vicious abuse.

It is the liberal way.

Tell us about how moral one must be to stick a gun in someone's face for smoking!
Tell us about how moral one must be to stick a gun in someone's face for smoking!
Who stuck a gun in someone's face just for smoking?
Amazing how you ignore the bulk of the story and take 1% to show a point.
Very dishonest of you.
wow third grade humor, why am I not surprised. must be some good stuff you are smoking because you are in fantasy land again. my wife doesn't like guys hung like a gerbal. And make no mistake, and I promise you this, you would never say that when you were in my presence without picking up your teeth off the floor if you still have any teeth.
Don't fuck with me nancy boy, the I will consider leaving you alone.
I don't start shit, I finish
When you start being civil you might have a prayer, fuck with me and you get what you get. Jesus freak

When I start being civil, I have yet to see a civil post from you, as far as bringing it, talks cheap on the internet, oops forgot you were a black belt quivering again. As for the Jesus Freak thing thank you, and yes I am. oops probably time to hit your bong, better let ya go
When I start being civil, I have yet to see a civil post from you, as far as bringing it, talks cheap on the internet, oops forgot you were a black belt quivering again. As for the Jesus Freak thing thank you, and yes I am. oops probably time to hit your bong, better let ya go
Get to work loser
'Right from Wrong' is often subjective, unfortunately. Especially for the Left. For Example: Leftists believe that illegal immigration is a good thing, and that National Defense under Republican administrations is a bad thing.
It happens on both sides of the aisle.

I'm sick of hearing this... no it really DOESN'T happen on both sides of the aisle. The left takes every opportunity, regardless of the issue, to divide us and turn the issue into a polarized left/right rhetoric-filled argument which no one can win. Then the battle becomes perception, and the left controls the media, so this argument no one can win, suddenly becomes a 'rally cry' and the left exploits this to gain even more power. The right has no clue how to counter such a strategy, and continues to play right into it. But no, it doesn't happen on both sides.
I'm sick of hearing this... no it really DOESN'T happen on both sides of the aisle. The left takes every opportunity, regardless of the issue, to divide us and turn the issue into a polarized left/right rhetoric-filled argument which no one can win. Then the battle becomes perception, and the left controls the media, so this argument no one can win, suddenly becomes a 'rally cry' and the left exploits this to gain even more power. The right has no clue how to counter such a strategy, and continues to play right into it. But no, it doesn't happen on both sides.

Yes, Dixie, it DOES happen on both sides.

The comment I responded to was: "'Right from Wrong' is often subjective, unfortunately. Especially for the Left. For Example: Leftists believe that illegal immigration is a good thing, and that National Defense under Republican administrations is a bad thing."

The Right is just as guilty of this. They claim to want smaller gov't, but they scream bloody murder until the gov't protects marriages. They even call for a constitutional amendment for it.

They claim to want a less intrusive gov't. But they want the gov't to intrude with zoning laws to protect their property values. They want the gov't to pass anti-smoking laws that tell privately owned businesses whether they can allow smoking inside buildings they own.

There are plenty of examples. That you are too partisan to see them is not my issue.
but they scream bloody murder until the gov't protects marriages

I can't believe you haven't figured this out yet...its the left that wants the government to change marriages to meet the desires of three percent of the population.......pretending its the right trying to get the government to do something for THEM makes you look like an idiot......

They want the gov't to pass anti-smoking laws that tell privately owned businesses whether they can allow smoking inside buildings they own.

and another example.....don't pretend its conservatives pushing anti-smoking laws.....
I can't believe you haven't figured this out yet...its the left that wants the government to change marriages to meet the desires of three percent of the population.......pretending its the right trying to get the government to do something for THEM makes you look like an idiot......

I didn't see the Left talking about a constitutional amendment concerning marriage.

The RIGHT is trying to get the gov't to define marriage in one certain way and not allow changes. It is the Right who demands that their religious beliefs be included in the definition.

What the Right (if they were conservatives) should be doing is demanding that the gov't get out of marriages altogether.
I didn't see the Left talking about a constitutional amendment concerning marriage.

and apparently you totally missed the left demanding the definition of marriage be changed in the county courthouses so that men could marry men and women could marry women......which makes your argument look absolutely idiotic.........what the right is asking for is a constitutional amendment which would PREVENT the government from doing that.....

it make me sad when I have to explain things like this to people who ought to be able to think for themselves......
and apparently you totally missed the left demanding the definition of marriage be changed in the county courthouses so that men could marry men and women could marry women......which makes your argument look absolutely idiotic.........what the right is asking for is a constitutional amendment which would PREVENT the government from doing that.....

it make me sad when I have to explain things like this to people who ought to be able to think for themselves......

So the Left asking for change is a perfect example or what was discussed, but the Right asking for a constitutional amendment to deny any change is not an example of gov't interference in private lives or of big gov't?


Thats funny.
Yes, Dixie, it DOES happen on both sides.

The comment I responded to was: "'Right from Wrong' is often subjective, unfortunately. Especially for the Left. For Example: Leftists believe that illegal immigration is a good thing, and that National Defense under Republican administrations is a bad thing."

The Right is just as guilty of this. They claim to want smaller gov't, but they scream bloody murder until the gov't protects marriages. They even call for a constitutional amendment for it.

They claim to want a less intrusive gov't. But they want the gov't to intrude with zoning laws to protect their property values. They want the gov't to pass anti-smoking laws that tell privately owned businesses whether they can allow smoking inside buildings they own.

There are plenty of examples. That you are too partisan to see them is not my issue.

Everything you mentioned are examples of where the left has manipulated the conversation, divided us against each other, and exploited the division to gain more political power. Illegal immigration is illegal, it's not a 'good' or 'bad' thing, it's an illegal thing. The left has succeeded in turning it into a good or bad thing, and you've bought into the perception. The so-called "gay marriage" issue is yet another example of where the left has fomented divisive rhetoric, controlled the debate and perception through the media, and the response from the right is to naturally try and protect itself and it's values. The government simply shouldn't be there to tell YOU what marriage is or isn't, and that goes BOTH WAYS! So why are we having this argument? Why can't reasonable people pass some kind of Civil Union Act, and let us put the issue to rest? Because the LEFT will not allow this to happen, they need the issue to divide us against each other, they need YOU to enlist as a Soldier of Fortune for their Cause, because this is how they remain politically relevant.

Zoning laws... anti-smoking laws... private property rights... all of these are relevant to issues the left will exploit to gain political power. This group against that group. But we are civilized people of a society which operates on principles of democratic government, so we do ultimately have full control over what we allow government to do. In the words of the great philosopher Kristofferson... Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. Governmental control over more and more of our lives is not going to create an individually free environment. It's absurd that rational-thinking people would even entertain such a concept, but that seems to be precisely where liberals think we're heading. We're one day going to wake up in this Utopian land where all of our wants, needs and desires are taken care of, and we can do virtually whatever the hell we please all day. We'll have no personal responsibility, and full liberty to be whoever we want.

I personally believe the Socialistic concepts promoted by the left will more likely end up in a scenario where we're all facing an open ditch with a gun to the back of our heads. Because this is how Liberal Utopianism generally ends up when the wheels finally come off.