You Gotta See This

I am into the 30 minutes of the last Star Wars. Meh. The "crawl" was atrocious. But some parts of it was cool. The ship was cool. 6 out of 10 so far. We'll see.
Thank you Pres Trump, you have proven beyond any doubt that failed business men make failed presidents. That paying off porn stars and playboy bunnies proves you cannot govern honestly. That three wives demonstrates a lack of fidelity, sense, and honor. That forgiving convicted felons is the sign of a loser with zero principles. That golfing on the public's dime on your own golf courses proves no conscience exists in you. That dying your hair and having white around your eyes shows the vanity of a insecure, weak man. That not wearing a mask doesn't make you strong it makes you stupid. That hiding your tax returns just adds to your lies. That avoiding service in the military proves you a fake strongman. That caging children proves once and for all our evangelicals and so called religious are phonies. Any need to go on?

'100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans'

'We've got to do something': Republican rebels come together to take on Trump'
Thank you Pres Trump, you have proven beyond any doubt that failed business men make failed presidents. That paying off porn stars and playboy bunnies proves you cannot govern honestly. That three wives demonstrates a lack of fidelity, sense, and honor. That forgiving convicted felons is the sign of a loser with zero principles. That golfing on the public's dime on your own golf courses proves no conscience exists in you. That dying your hair and having white around your eyes shows the vanity of a insecure, weak man. That not wearing a mask doesn't make you strong it makes you stupid. That hiding your tax returns just adds to your lies. That avoiding service in the military proves you a fake strongman. That caging children proves once and for all our evangelicals and so called religious are phonies. Any need to go on?

'100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans'

'We've got to do something': Republican rebels come together to take on Trump'

I DON'T care WHAT the mods think, especially Phanny Dismal. But I WILL try to behave myself.;)

Man I had you set up so well to play the hero, and you walked right on by....

I hope you are well, I hope to be around more soon....I have been busy with RL and when I have had time I have been doing other things on the internet....I have been doing a lot of listening and learning.