You Know You're a Conservative When...

signalmankenneth;580138]By Ken Kupchik, Air America. Posted January 7, 2010.

Since almost no one is willing to identify with the GOP these days, it can be difficult to diagnose conservatism. Here are some tips to help determine if you are a conservative:

10) You refused to share your toys in kindergarten, saying it would put you on a dangerous path to socialism.

(I show people how to make their own toys, so they can CHOOSE options for their future)

9) You get angry when there are choices for languages on an automated call because you still don't have a good grasp on English.

(Well, I don't fall for the command of the English lauguage having much to do with actual intelligence--but I am pissed because every time I call somebody in another nation--they speak to me in English.)

8) You hate those "elite Hollywood liberals" but refuse to cancel your Netflix account.

(not me---you confuse me with somebody that has no integrity)

7) You go to tea bagger rallies because you have no job thanks to the recession that "started under Obama."

(you never went to one, that is clear. You would have met a lot of small business people who actually had enough talent to make their own signs and were not paid by a party to be there--they don't even leave any garbage behind--like all of grand parents would not leave trash behind either--now look at the trash our kids have to pick up)

6) You watch Fox News, but unlike most people actually take it seriously.

(That is because we take the USA seriously--we know what works)

5) You become absolutely livid about imaginary tax increases.

(if you pay taxes and actually add value to the USA----let talk in two years)

4) You are against wasteful programs like Medicare, but also against cutting waste from programs like Medicare.

(town halls are full of senoirs---it is bi partisan)

3) You criticize Michael Moore for his weight, without being able to refute a single claim that he makes in his documentaries.

(Doctors are leaving Cuba)

2) You can enter any collective noun into the following sentence "The ______ are screwing everything up" except for the correct ones.

(It depends on the era. "progressives" fit in there now--but in the future, it will be some other group picking on the nation with the most free people.)

1) You find yourself saying "no" even to things that you actually want, like ice cream, and health care.

(everybody wants health care---but nobody wants their life regulated by the federal government. It is like putting mustard on your vanilla ice cream)

Just face the facts lady (I assume a fat no talent liberal lady), Americans are not pets like French poodles. We fight when cornered and make terrible pets. There is a line progresive dupes like you may not to cross, because there is still two generations of non progressive Americans left in the USA. If your University did not teach you how to fight and survive, you might be scating on thin ice right now. Your progressive professors did not teach you this--but it is just human nature to fight for freedom---when all else fails. Be carefull of the position you allow yourselves to be lead into. It is dangerous to deny human beings freedom, especially when they still have some to lose.
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