You people are boring me right now.

Casu marzu is a Sardinian cheese that contains live maggots. The maggots can jump up to five inches out of the c cheese while you're eating it, so it's a good idea to shield it with your hand to stop them jumping into your eyes.

That's fucking disturbing.

Great white sharks can detect the presence of their own blood at just a few parts per million.
Since they have no natural predators except orcas, against whom they are defenseless, when they smell their blood they flee to another continent.
Say something interesting.

Bill Wyman, the Rolling Stones' bassist began a relationship with 13-year old Mandy Smith at age 47, with her mother's blessing. Six years later, they were married, but their marriage only lasted a year. Not long after, Bill's 30-year-old son Stephen married Mandy's mother, age 46. That made Stephen a stepfather to his former stepmother. If Bill and Mandy had remained married, Stephen would have been his father's father-in-law and his own grandpa.
Bill Wyman, the Rolling Stones' bassist began a relationship with 13-year old Mandy Smith at age 47, with her mother's blessing. Six years later, they were married, but their marriage only lasted a year. Not long after, Bill's 30-year-old son Stephen married Mandy's mother, age 46. That made Stephen a stepfather to his former stepmother. If Bill and Mandy had remained married, Stephen would have been his father's father-in-law and his own grandpa.

Never really understood what Bill saw in her, to be honest.

That's fucking disturbing.

Great white sharks can detect the presence of their own blood at just a few parts per million.
Since they have no natural predators except orcas, against whom they are defenseless, when they smell their blood they flee to another continent.

Apparently maggot cheese is safe to eat if the maggots are still alive!

To know when to mate, a male giraffe will continuously headbutt the female in the bladder until she urinates. The male then tastes the pee and that helps it determine whether the female is ovulating. —

OMG......that's what Rune does too.....except he thought it was oral sex.......
That's fucking disturbing.

Great white sharks can detect the presence of their own blood at just a few parts per million.
Since they have no natural predators except orcas, against whom they are defenseless, when they smell their blood they flee to another continent.
Yea I had thought of Great Whites as a climax zone predator in the ocean. Then I saw the Nat Geo film where a Killer Whale made short work of one.

So then I thought of Orcas as the climax zone predator in the ocean. Then I saw a video of a bull Sperm Whale make short work of an Orca.