You Remind me of a Man.

LOL. Is there anyone here any gayer than Damo sometimes? Other than the time BB brain and asshat put on dresses and broke out in show tunes I mean.

not...we did sing a song or two...but it was asshat in drag like Rudy Newton John...I dressed like John Travolta...thank you very much missy!

and this from the girl who says when she and her girlfriend go out they do the:bleh: thingee to each other but thats all they least me and asshat are just joking around we don't do the gay thingees like y'all do!:cof1:
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If you are talking about the dialog, it's from an old movie with Shirley Temple and I think, Cary Grant. It's appropriate because these Keynsian prescriptions are voodoo and they just going round and round.

i figured it was from something, but I think you are stretching a bit with your justification ;)
No, i think it fits well. Keynesian economics is voodoo. Rand called them witch doctors long before HW used the voodoo term. And the that it starts all over again from the top is relvant.
No, i think it fits well. Keynesian economics is voodoo. Rand called them witch doctors long before HW used the voodoo term. And the that it starts all over again from the top is relvant.

It's ironic that, at it's core, Reaganism is just a rehashed version of Keynesianism. The only real difference between the philosohpies is that Keynes thought that the maximum return for taxation was around 90%, and Reagan put it lower (which worked).