You Should Vote If...

I dub her "Fake"., because she gets a "F" in sarcasm.


Poor Fako
You have your facts back asswards.....don't vote if you are satisfied with the status quo, don't vote if you want other assholes to speak for you....don't vote is you apathically don't give a crap what the politicans do in your name...why? Because like it or not....whether you acknowledge the reality...this nation belongs to THE PEOPLE, not the politicians and by not voting you are allowing them to do things in your name void of any input whatsoever voiced upon your constitutional "duty" to vote. If you don't have no voice. What makes you assume anyone will pay attention to the advise of anyone that allows the world to have intercourse with them without even so much as a kiss? :)

I'm easy...but I ain't cheap. If nothing else I expect the customary pint of liquor and 50 dollar bill at the polls.

The vote is the mandate of the politician and the whole political process. It is what gives immoral people the moral right to rule over others. It is the act that signs the "social contract" saying that you agree with whatever your rulers choose to do to you.

Please, spouting all the brainwashing slogans of the establishment, does not make them true. One thing that I am hearing over and over again as I browse forums it that the brainwashing machine of the statist quo has been very effective. The whole of society has been infected with an inability to think outside the politically correct box. It is time for some antidotes to brainwashing.

Because I oppose state-sponsored terrorism, tyranny, theft, murder, and interfering in people's lives, I cannot in good conscience vote for anybody who would commit any of those political acts. Since the nature of government is force, we must be very careful to whom we trust with leadership.

Since people are by nature fallible, and "man is a political animal", it is not reasonable to believe that there are any persons on this planet worthy of ruling over others. Certainly none of those who choose to run for office can be trusted with power.

The only path for a considerate, peace-loving, freedom-oriented individual is to refuse to participate in schemes that give power to politicians. Therefore, refusing to vote is the moral thing to do.

As a considerate person I do not give my approval for the "majority" to force its will on the individual.

Anything that is wrong for me to do to you, is even more wrong for "us" to do to "them".
The vote is the mandate of the politician and the whole political process. It is what gives immoral people the moral right to rule over others. It is the act that signs the "social contract" saying that you agree with whatever your rulers choose to do to you.

Please, spouting all the brainwashing slogans of the establishment, does not make them true. One thing that I am hearing over and over again as I browse forums it that the brainwashing machine of the statist quo has been very effective. The whole of society has been infected with an inability to think outside the politically correct box. It is time for some antidotes to brainwashing.

Because I oppose state-sponsored terrorism, tyranny, theft, murder, and interfering in people's lives, I cannot in good conscience vote for anybody who would commit any of those political acts. Since the nature of government is force, we must be very careful to whom we trust with leadership.

Since people are by nature fallible, and "man is a political animal", it is not reasonable to believe that there are any persons on this planet worthy of ruling over others. Certainly none of those who choose to run for office can be trusted with power.

The only path for a considerate, peace-loving, freedom-oriented individual is to refuse to participate in schemes that give power to politicians. Therefore, refusing to vote is the moral thing to do.

As a considerate person I do not give my approval for the "majority" to force its will on the individual.

Anything that is wrong for me to do to you, is even more wrong for "us" to do to "them".

Right on brother! Idiots that vote in the duopoly's rigged elections are simply giving their proxy to corruption, a dictatorship and their authorization to trash the Constitution. Voting in America has become treason!
Not voting will solve everything~going on the internet & bitching & moaning will lead us back to freedumb & dumbocracy...:palm:
Thanks to those who made reasonable intelligent comments. Your wisdom is its own reward.

For those who chose to just throw caca, I would like to ask, "what is your excuse for voting?"

Please think before you answer.

Do you vote in order to force your will on others?

Do you vote to try to protect yourself from political thugs?

Do you vote because you think that you have a real chance of making any changes for the better?

Or do you vote because that's what you've been taught and you have no antidotes to brainwashing?

So far, there have been no real good reasons given for continuing to empower the politicians and systems (that we all know are disgusting) by voting in their rigged elections.

How many times can a person be conned by the same game? Some will fall for it over and over again. Others learn what the game is and how to avoid it. Some others think that they can out-con the cons. But, when they play the game they become subject to its outcome, and also accessories to whatever crimes may be committed thereby.

I've been there, fought the fight, thought about it, and learned better.

Above the fray, that's where I'll stay.

If you choose to be an accomplice to Trump or Hillary or the various political machines, that's your choice. It's not my problem, because I don't vote for any of them.

If you disagree, please provide your real reasonings. Try to be intellectual and show some understanding of the issues involved.

Throwing caca doesn't work against reason. You're downwind, duh!
Did you vote??

Who did you vote for if you did?

The people spoke....Mr. Trump is president elect, they did not pay any attention to the attacks before the election because they "KNEW" the personality traits of Mr. Trump, his life is an open book, he hides nothing, he has only one face...unlike the politicians and pundits who assumed they could attack him by exposing a past that everyone knew beforehand. There are not two faces to Mr. Trump (one public, one private).....he is a man that makes gaffs, double talks, and manipulates, he chases tail, he speaks whats on his mind at any given time even it was something different at another time and place....THE PEOPLE did not care....they voted for him anyway...why?

He represented CHANGE from the status quo.....HE won because of this, not because He is some great statesman...but because He is a businessman that knows how to close a deal....he does this by delegating things beyond his knowledge to those WHO DO KNOW. Whether they are from an old establishment or are from a rebel outsider point of view....he uses them to close the deal, just like he closed the election and silenced "crooked hillary".

The reality: We the People now have a President Elect Mr. Trump. :)
ThnX for the update ralpie, but I was not asking you..........

Yea the ppl spoke & more than a 100 million of them wanted neither, but over 1 million more wanted her than him....... Go figure..