Youngins Pwn - The thread

im sorry 3d, I think you are too dumb. When you type you remind me of someone that is unconscious. I'm drafting the motion for having you banned from youngins pwn. Im so sorry.
Motion to Expell and sentence to death Threedee


3D is dumb. He communicates like webbaway, toby, wrl, battleborne and many other retarded conservative posters. It's like they are bots, there seems to be no human emotion with them. He just doesn't seem to have the same intellectual capacity as the rest of us.

Additionally, we have precedent, though it is rare: I would like to enter evidence Brent v. Youngins pwn, Cout of Pwn, 2008. into as exhibit A.

In it, we expelled brent for not pwning enough and being a general embarrassment. It is clearly evident threedee meets these qualifications.

The order, should it gather a majority vote, shall suspend threedee from youngins pwn forever, or for however long until we change our minds. He will also be sentenced to death.

On this day, January 22, 2009, in the year of our sovreign lord.

- Grind (Cheif Justice of the Court of Pwnage)
Ladies and gentlemen, you have just witnessed one of the most common proceedings of youngins pwn, motion to expel and sentence to death. We have gotten very efficient at it.
threedee is from a blue state. so i took that as a signal you wanted him out. Also blue rhymes with true.
I never believed I would become too mature for this group... I make infantile marquee scrolls and utter "ur mom" and "totally!"

But now I have grown up and am about to become an NCO in the US Air Force, acquire a graduate degree, and in general, kick major butt.

Hopefully Dave will let me into the adult rated group. Exile shall be a blessing. I'll still party like I'm 22, though...