
Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
my teen years were in the late 80's, early 90's

we all thought we were the shit because we were the one's to see 2000.

neon lights in the 80's, pop music, throwing off the hippy 70's. the future was near man, so near. star wars, star trek. star light....parachute pants, michael jackson jackets. levi's, jeans. well, jeans are still in style, now there are numerous brands and much better quality.

turn off those damn neon lights in the 90's. hippy, cool. the future, yeah, its coming, but yeah, fuck the system man. grunge. not quite 70's, not quite anything really. supposed anti establishment became the establishment.

00' me, no particular thing stands out. as if it was an amalgamation of prior periods.

10' do you see it?

obviously way, way, simplified. just curious how you guys see life.

anyone my age, would love to see how you viewed the similar period.
00's saw the slow movement toward revival of disco, and the popularization of techno dance. Hip hop got a hell of a lot better as well.

90s began with the grunge movement, which slowly gave way to the alternative rock craze of the late 90s. I remain obsessed with the music of 1998 to this day.
90's sucked.

90's music mostly sucked.

everything had to be "Xtreme"

the fashion was look like a bum retard or some combination of spandex

00's were pretty good.
Yurt and I must be around the same age.

And its empirical fact that the 80's were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than anything since. 1984 was the greatest year in the history of mankind. Even dopey history major pimple necks should know this.
Yurt and I must be around the same age.

And its empirical fact that the 80's were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than anything since. 1984 was the greatest year in the history of mankind. Even dopey history major pimple necks should know this.

i'm 23, how about you?