
Yurt and I must be around the same age.

And its empirical fact that the 80's were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than anything since. 1984 was the greatest year in the history of mankind. Even dopey history major pimple necks should know this.
I was in college in 84 :) It was kind of a dead period for music. Other then that....why was it so great?
Time travel.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe you had a couple of Pabsts and are feeling terribly dizzy.
Yes, a couple kegs of Pabsts would probably be a good start for me. Your liver however, would have jumped out of your throat just to escape the challenge.
Yes, a couple kegs of Pabsts would probably be a good start for me. Your liver however, would have jumped out of your throat just to escape the challenge.
My liver in fact, sir, would have jumped out of my stomach and directly into a 55 gallon drum of everclear, just to get saturated. My liver doesn't know what to do with a paltry 30 gallons of spit.