Your best coffee concoctions.

I took a couple of trips to Vegas years ago. I found a good coffee kiosk in the hotel. Unfortunately, they didn't have milk out for the coffee. They had a huge box of 'non dairy creamer', which we all know is vegetable oil. I asked the girl behind the counter if they had half and half, and she pointed to the box.

I told her that it's creamer, not half and half. I gave her a short tutorial re. the ingredients in creamer. She gave me a short tutorial about how 'In Vegas, that's half and half'.

OK fine.

What about chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream or Kahlua in coffee? I don't think I have tried that.
Dark roast with

What about chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream or Kahlua in coffee? I don't think I have tried that.
I'm sure Kahlua is fine. I don't like anything sweet in my coffee, but I'm sure those tastes would make for a popular Starbucks concoction. For some reason, they make most chocolate milk with lowfat milk. I don't care for any lowfat products in coffee. It's like putting water in.

Straight from the cow, milk is 5% fat. They used to sell 4% as whole milk. These days it's 3%. The 1% and 2% milk tastes like what it is...mostly water.

I don't put sugar in anything, come to think of it. I do love sweets, though.
Imagine my face when I found out was in Miracle Whip and mayo. Then afterwards I didn't care since I liked them way too much. :)
When I lived in Vt back in the late 70's, they only used M.Whip in delis when you asked for mayo on a sandwich. It was nasty. I'm sure because it was half the price of mayo. In fact, they always asked 'mustard AND mayo?'. WTF is that?
Taster's Choice is actually fairly acceptable in a pinch. As far as instant goes, it's not too bad if you make it a little strong. I believe it's easily the best instant coffee on the market.

Of course, it's been about 40 years since it used it. I never drink decaf anything, but a girl I was dating back in my instant days bought me a coffee mill and some beans.

I've been grinding my beans every morning since. I drink one mug in the morning, and one in the late afternoon after work.

Milk no sugar. I don't mind cream or half/half, but I never keep it in the house.

I NEVER put vegetable oil in my coffee, though.

The only reason I went decaf is because I do not want any chemical dependencies. I was drinking about three cups of regular coffee a day, and I noticed if I went a day without coffee I would develop a mild headache. Must have been the caffeine.
The only reason I went decaf is because I do not want any chemical dependencies. I was drinking about three cups of regular coffee a day, and I noticed if I went a day without coffee I would develop a mild headache. Must have been the caffeine.

Caffeine headaches are the worst. I used to be a Pepsi addict, had to have that cold frosty glass first thing in the morning. That headache would sneak up later in the day if I didn't stave it off with more Pepsi. Haven't drank any now in over 20 years.
Caffeine headaches are the worst. I used to be a Pepsi addict, had to have that cold frosty glass first thing in the morning. That headache would sneak up later in the day if I didn't stave it off with more Pepsi. Haven't drank any now in over 20 years.
Caffeine seems to be surprisingly addictive!

The caffeine deprivation headaches were not pleasant, and I resolved to no longer be a slave to the coffee bean!
I never understood why people would put vegetable oil in coffee?

Yeah, I've been iffy on the stuff but I just am not a good home barista. I read it's actually banned in some European countries. I got the fancy syrups but I always end up making them too sweet. The butter rum stuff is good but can run away with it. I might try my brothers favorite of mixing hot chocolate and coffee. Besides black that was how he sweetened it.
Caffeine headaches are the worst. I used to be a Pepsi addict, had to have that cold frosty glass first thing in the morning. That headache would sneak up later in the day if I didn't stave it off with more Pepsi. Haven't drank any now in over 20 years.

You must have metabolized stuff faster because it should take longer to get withdraw headaches.
You must have metabolized stuff faster because it should take longer to get withdraw headaches.

I did used to have a metabolism close to the speed of light. I could and did eat anything I liked and still struggled to maintain my weight at 110 lbs. It's slowed down quite a bit with advancing age. I drink tea now and don't get a caffeine headache anymore.
The only reason I went decaf is because I do not want any chemical dependencies. I was drinking about three cups of regular coffee a day, and I noticed if I went a day without coffee I would develop a mild headache. Must have been the caffeine.
I was never a big drinker of coffee. I'd make a 4 cup pot in the morning. It equates to about 2 1/2 to 3 mugs. I would have two in the morning, and one later in the day. Now I drink one mug in the morning and one when I get home from work.

I know people who drink coffee all day. It doesn't really wake me up if I just keep drinking coffee all day.

Caffeine withdrawal can give people a headache.
I was never a big drinker of coffee. I'd make a 4 cup pot in the morning. It equates to about 2 1/2 to 3 mugs. I would have two in the morning, and one later in the day. Now I drink one mug in the morning and one when I get home from work.

I know people who drink coffee all day. It doesn't really wake me up if I just keep drinking coffee all day.

Caffeine withdrawal can give people a headache.

With all my sleep and seasonal issues, I'd be a hibernating bear without caffeine. I have a cup a day normally and I'd have tea or one soda later. I normally don't get headaches unless I have nothing for a day and 1/2 or more. If I nap, it's longer.