your daily dukkha


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mine is being off from work - like any Monday since I work weekends

fuck the Florida weeds. I'll get to them later.

for now I'm watching Trump ALONE ( no visitors) at Arlington. Never Forget.
getting high while listening to various YouTubes..headphones, coffee, pot and a rainy afternoon..dig it
And if you missed it, FOX is showing Trump at Arlington over and over and over again, repeatingly using it as the background visuals as they talk about the significance of the day, the implied transition point couldn’t be any more obvious

And why was Trump saluting during th anthem? No other civilian personnel including Pence was, Trump doesn’t have a hat on, is not in uniform, and no one is saluting him, so why is he saluting? Another mugging the flag moment?
And if you missed it, FOX is showing Trump at Arlington over and over and over again, repeatingly using it as the background visuals as they talk about the significance of the day, the implied transition point couldn’t be any more obvious

And why was Trump saluting during th anthem? No other civilian personnel including Pence was, Trump doesn’t have a hat on, is not in uniform, and no one is saluting him, so why is he saluting? Another mugging the flag moment?
It was a lovely ceremony, wasn't it?
"Everyone please have a safe and healthy Memorial Day...Remember the reason for the day...Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it." ....HP
"We don't know them all, but we owe them all"....FDG
mine is being off from work - like any Monday since I work weekends

fuck the Florida weeds. I'll get to them later.

for now I'm watching Trump ALONE ( no visitors) at Arlington. Never Forget.
getting high while listening to various YouTubes..headphones, coffee, pot and a rainy afternoon..dig it

I see your usual level of hypocrisy hasn't taken the day off....


Google results for Trump's stance on marijuana/legalization

Stoners for Trump.... :palm:

Dig it. :laugh:
It was a lovely ceremony, wasn't it?
"Everyone please have a safe and healthy Memorial Day...Remember the reason for the day...Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it." ....HP
"We don't know them all, but we owe them all"....FDG

I find it, and Veterans Day, insulting

An hour or so of patronizing, employing the right adjectives in flowery speeches, an entertaining parade, and then on to everyone’s normal holiday activities. All a charade

If America really cared about their war heroes, the Veterans Administration wouldn’t be the national embarrassment it has always been and military personnel would be treated as was the class of 46.
I find it, and Veterans Day, insulting

An hour or so of patronizing, employing the right adjectives in flowery speeches, an entertaining parade, and then on to everyone’s normal holiday activities. All a charade

If America really cared about their war heroes, the Veterans Administration wouldn’t be the national embarrassment it has always been and military personnel would be treated as was the class of 46.

I'm not surprised you find it "insulting"...or that you think it's just an "hour" of patronizing...Your choice....
I agree, though...let's give the vets the treatment.... the money, care, respect, and support they deserve....and stop giving it to illegals...who should Never be a consideration before our Veterans....
That would be awesome, wouldn't it?
I find it, and Veterans Day, insulting

An hour or so of patronizing, employing the right adjectives in flowery speeches, an entertaining parade, and then on to everyone’s normal holiday activities. All a charade

If America really cared about their war heroes, the Veterans Administration wouldn’t be the national embarrassment it has always been and military personnel would be treated as was the class of 46.

Veterans Win with Trump Administration's MISSION Act Reforms
I'm not surprised you find it "insulting"...or that you think it's just an "hour" of patronizing...Your choice....
I agree, though...let's give the vets the treatment.... the money, care, respect, and support they deserve....and stop giving it to illegals...who should Never be a consideration before our Veterans....
That would be awesome, wouldn't it?

All it is, an hour or two of recognition, and then on to the rest of everyone’s life, easy

As I said, if the country was serious about it, tomorrow morning rebuilding the VA would be another man on the moon project
All it is, an hour or two of recognition, and then on to the rest of everyone’s life, easy

As I said, if the country was serious about it, tomorrow morning rebuilding the VA would be another man on the moon project
Again, you're entitled to your opinion. I'd like to see the funding for illegal immigration "Man in the Mooned" over to the VA tomorrow;)
All it is, an hour or two of recognition, and then on to the rest of everyone’s life, easy

As I said, if the country was serious about it, tomorrow morning rebuilding the VA would be another man on the moon project
I thought that was Green New Deal - "man on the moon project" according to AOC

we aint going to even be able to meet basic entitlements soon. tighten up your wig.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, has there ever been any President since WWII who hasn’t launched some supposed reform of the VA, yet today thru all of them, it is an embarrassment

The Big Problem with the VA ( besides the normal incompetence) was scheduling so far out -
vets were sick and dying and not getting seen

In the end, the MISSION Act simply gives the VA what all other major healthcare systems have -- a way of referring patients to outside care when needed
I thought that was Green New Deal - "man on the moon project" according to AOC

we aint going to even be able to meet basic entitlements soon. tighten up your wig.

It has nothing go to do with the Green Deal nor AOC, every Memorial/Veterans Day most politicians get up and give flower speeches about remembering, people pay attention for the hour or so, pay token respect, and the that’s it, on with the rest of the day.

If they were serious, if we really wanted to honor those who sacrificed and served, reforming the VA top tomorrow would be a top priority, as Al McGuire said, if want to honor me, buy me a beer while I’m alive rather than naming a street after me when I’m dead
Not my opinion, reality, as I noted, the fact the VA is an embarrassment proves it
Again, you're entitled to your opinion. I'd like to see the funding for illegal immigration "Man in the Mooned" over to the VA tomorrow.....
Again, you're entitled to your opinion. I'd like to see the funding for illegal immigration "Man in the Mooned" over to the VA tomorrow.....

Got it, you would rather see funding for some other avenue instead of doing something radical other than speeches and parades that honors and show respect for those that served and died defending our country