Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
False Singularity. That's a new one. lol.
all who buy chinese goods are slave owners by proxy.
Not really. But it's a nice piece of idiocy.
I edited in "at least by AHZ's definition" after you grabbed that post.
If no one bought the goods the "slaves" made then they would not be working as "slaves" making the goods you buy.
You are getting MCain Dammit. He will free all the chinese slaves and replace them with cheap immigrant labor.
Of course not! Ron Paul is going to win. I mean, look at all the threads!We're not getting McCain. There is another.
Of course not! Ron Paul is going to win. I mean, look at all the threads!
Lynn Cheney?Nope. Princess Leia.
Yet there is only one humane action, and it isn't just being selfish. Just because something is difficult doesn't mean that it shouldn't be done.
Just thought it was about time for this thread again on the top
Ya did not make much sense on the other thread either LT.
The hell with that! No more world cop...
Yes. World slave master is better, right, moral blight?