You can keep posting stupid shit, I've had my dinner and am relaxed now. Please consider posting something of merit once in awhile. I'll just cut back a little on responding to your stupid posts.
It does not appear that you are able to post a video of what youtube censored, and it does not appear that you are able to substantiate youtubes alleged reason for the censorship. This is what the opening post is about. Hopefully you can see the problem with censorship, which is something that lefties are relying upon to get their way, and hopefully you do what you can see how badly censorship could backfire against you and your fellow lefties at some point in the future. You, me, and every other American who is on this or any other political specific forum should be united against censorship in general, since we are all we the people. Looking the other way on censorship just to get your way for a single election cycle will likely hurt the freedom of future generations of our families forever.